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Everything posted by Firstnten

  1. 55 They have to be posting for effect... no adult can be this stupid...
  2. It's as if Floyd and likecock are gay for each other... it's as if they verbaly fondel each other daily.... it's as if they know jack about football... it's as if they know jack about the NY org... it's as if.......please feel in the blank
  3. It's as if!!?!?!??!?!? who is saying this???? I swear you guys never stop making up BS... We need depth at LB....and DT...I would wager a guess that 99% of this MB feels the same..
  4. your confused.... everyone laughs at you lockhart it's got nothing to do with arrington..
  5. Look lockhart is right!!!!!!! First and last time!!!
  6. Yes you would like that wouldn't you.... Manning with facial hair.....more whacking material for the fantastic four...
  7. yeah lets get Chris Simms next year His one year contract must mean he's a ringer! Maybe we can trade arrington, shcokey, and plaxico to get him... I can't understand why the NY org doesn't hire you guys your so full of good ideas!
  8. the mods realy should have clown like background music for every one of ther posts...
  9. Game one has not been played this year and you say countless blunders!?!?!? Floyd you and your clan have reached an all new level of pathetic. They need to come up with a more descriptive word to better represent how much of a pathetic dope you are..... This is great!
  10. This is the day ansd age of the salary cap and FA... where have you been? Players are mercs now....I knew you guys where slow but come on...
  11. Get off the tracks before you get run over...
  12. I heard that they are looking at your DNA for a view into football ignorance. The thought being your condition my be genetic...
  13. Don't worry Floyd we will sign an LB or DT in the first round... not that means a whole hell of alot IMO... Ar least you man enough to come here today and take your medicine... COCK SMOKER!!!!
  14. where is lockhart I demand satisfaction!!!!!! Looks like the pink power ranger kicked his ASS AGAIN!!!!!!!
  15. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! Owned....again......
  16. lets add to this nonsense..form giants 101.. what a crappy source of info, these guys suck who reports something with a wink wink and a nod.. toolbags
  17. if this blowjob is wrong he should be tarred and feathered...
  18. http://nygiants.mostvaluablenetwork.com/ what's up with this!?!?!?! this site should be removed...
  19. arrington will not get the money he wants from any team.... I would bet that after his MIR teams are gonna use the results as leverage to lower his demands. Just a guess... we have gone over this a million times.. Bad attitude.. bad knee... This topic sucks....
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