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Posts posted by NightFire

  1. The biggest difference is the OLines. Our guys have been doing well, but they're nothing compared to Dallas. They kept pressure off Romo most of the day and gave him the time to find Owens and Crayton. Our guys gave Eli about half the time, keeping our WRs silent.


    The pass rush seems to be more of a problem with the Cowboys then our secondary. On the 50YD TD to Owens he was bumped by 2 defenders and still had time to squeeze through start running and wait for the Romo throw. That's about 5 seconds at least that Romo should not have had that time to wait. It was made even worse because Johnson went to cover Witten who had been let to roam free by Pierce or Kiwi.

  2. Egg actually isn't that bad for gloating after a Cowboys win. He tends to trash talk more before a game and not gloat much after. To be honest most of us are much worse than him if the Giants had won.

  3. So what happened in the Superbowl?


    D wins championships.


    This whole Henny Penny bit on this MB is ridiculous sometimes. Every time the Giants win they are the best ever and every loss is by the worst team in football. The Giants almost won and had game losing penalties and blown coverages that were exposed. The Cowboys took advantages of Giants mistakes and if you check the stats the Giants played just as well and if not better (only 20 yards less, 10 more minutes of possession, less penalties).



    As Gspotter stated also Eli does not seem to be much of a leader. What was with the last drive? It looked liked nobody really cared and were just going through the motions. Somebody needs to get Eli some energy drinks or cocaine to get him to wake up.

  4. Shaw has had it since it came out and I actually watch the NFL Network somewhat often (regular TV blows anyway). The game actually doesn't show up as an NFL game but as Point After (I think) for some reason. It's nice that the Giants are getting lots of coverage for once, for 1 week anyway.

  5. :furious:


    Not even close, Seph.


    A year ago we lost to Chicago. A game we were in till a few coaching mishabs... like kicking a long field goal in the Meadowlands with a wet ball..


    The year before that we lost @ Seattle. A game we were in all the way to 3 missed FGs by Feely...


    Who's to say this isn't our year now? Who is to say we won't beat the cowboys and go on to beat the Lions in their den?


    The only thing that ticked me off about our offseason moves.. or probably the most is the ones we let get away.. both are now catching for Tom Brady. I lobbied for Moss to be traded for Plaxico Burns.. yes Palxico "Burns" according to my 8 year old nephew...


    And I lobbied to get Stallworth....


    Instead they're both in NE and that 9-0 record could've belonged to us.


    8-8? No sir... not this year.. not with this team..


    I'm no fan who looks ahead.. way ahead.. but when NE game comes around.. and IF they're 15-0, we might just have a little talk.


    For now, I'm not thinking NE and I'm not thinking Lions... let's worry about tomorrow.. and should we win, I will ask you kindly to revise that 8 and 8.


    Yeah because Tynes is so much of an improvement. We basically went from mediocre to shitty. It still boggles my mind that the Pats managed to get Welker, Stallworth and Moss. These three are the best WR tandem in football and the Pats barely had to do anything to get them. Moss for a fourth round draft pick and Welker for a five-year, $18.1 million contract is amazing.

  6. Anybody watch the game when Bledsoe was pulled for Romo and Arrington's career ended. The best part was that Strahan did the line up announcement and called Corey "Spiderman" (or something similar) Webster. I thought that was funny considering how he isn't going to be around for much longer. Can't wait for Sunday 4:00PM and keeping fingers crossed that the Giants are for real this year. :rock:

  7. Hopefully the Giants aren't going to pull another 2006:


    The Giants fashioned their six-game win streak against opponents with a combined record of 13-36. Now it gets more difficult. Their second-half opponents have a combined mark of 40-25, starting with Sunday's showdown against the Cowboys.


    The Giants in the next few games will be shown to be either for real or pretenders again (hoping for the later of course).

  8. I'm curious as to how the Colts and Pats meet every year in the regular season. Maybe I'm wrong, but according to how the NFL does the schedule, they should NOT meet in the regular season every year.


    It's rigged. I am sure it's "supposed" to be somewhat random but when both teams suck again they will hardly play each other anymore.

  9. As far as the last game, if they lose to the colts, they may need the win at the end of the year for HFA. Either way, if they need the win for HFA or to go for a perfect season, we'll see the starters. After watching BB purposley trying to bury the skins and embarrass Gibbs, I see no reason to nbelieve they will lay down and rest anyone in the last game.

    I hate the skins, but after watching that fiasco, i've never wanted a team to lose as badly as i want them to now. Up 38-0 and they went for it on 4th down in the 4th quarter. Thats disgraceful.


    This is why I feel the Pats will not win the SB. They may have the best team in the NFL but they will embarrass a team that won't lose a second time. If anybody watches hockey Don Cherry once told a story on how when he was coaching he was beat down (by the Canadians I think) and the score run up unnecessarily. After that they never lost to that team for 5 years. The Pats being so cocky and brazen will be their downfall.

  10. I felt like the Giants lost on sunday. They we're shit and our run defense needs to improve. Our Special teams sucks at everything except punting. Eli never plays even average in bad weather...he plays like absolute shit. The recievers sucked and dropped the few passes Eli managed to get right on their hands.


    The Dolphins scored a late touchdown and the only reason that game didn't go to OT or the Dolphins winning is because Jay Feely sucked worse than our piece of shit kicker Tynes. It was one of the most pathetic wins I have ever seen. I doubt the "good" Eli returns...because every Eli hasn't proven that he can play more than 8 games a season in the NFL yet.


    They do have one HUGE thing going for them though...they're healthy and we'll see if they can show up to play against the Cowboys in two weeks.


    I think this is why the Giants dropped. The Giants barely beat a bad team and Tynes is going to cost more than one game by the end of season. There has to be somebody better or atleast somebody who can kick an extra point.

  11. I agree! I'm so sick and tire of all the "The AFC dominates the NFC" bull crap. To be honest, I hope the Redskins beat the Pat this week.


    My 2 upset picks are Carolina and Redskins in the Pick'em Pool. I hope both teams lose so that the announcers can stop acting like next week's game only matters if both teams are undefeated. Also then all the pundits can stop going on and on about 16-0.

  12. Handing the Superbowl is so asinine. If teams thought this way then the Pats shouldn't have bothered to show up and beat the Rams. You only play one game in the playoffs so anybody can have a great day and beat any team. Also all the 4 NFC losses mentioned were close when the AFC was supposed to be so dominant. Chicago would have been a winner if Rex didn't fuck up so much, Seattle was robbed, Philadelphia if McNabb had a little better conditioning and Carolina came down to whoever had the ball last. Really the Pats have a won a great many playoff games by 3 points; hardly dominating.

  13. It sounds like the Falcons could be in the same boat as the Dolphins soon. DeAngelo is really good player, but equipped with a T.O. like mouth. <_<


    He is right though and if you aren't a rookie then who really wants to be playing on a team that is going to be gutted soon. Why even try if your good players are being cut.

  14. I think there is no doubt that the NFC East is the toughest division with 3 teams in the top 10. Whoever survives the NFC East has to be the favored team to represent the NFC in the Superbowl.

  15. Thats all well and good, but also it has to be said that if we wanted a LB, why did we draft a DE and move him? I love Kiwi, but I think he should be at his natural position, not LB. We could have drafted a LB and not been 3 or 4 years behind with our new "experiment"


    To be honest I think Reese should have been drafting a LB and EA not doing it last year wasn't as bad. Ross is good but I am sure the Giants could have went LB, CB and still acquired Ross.

  16. Isn't it a 25 yarder, snapped from the 10?


    I thought it was from the goal line but here is the Wiki answer:


    In the NFL, the scrimmage for point after touchdown takes place from the two-yard line. In college football, it is from the three-yard line. In the CFL it is from the five-yard line.


    So in conclusion Tynes needs to be cut.

  17. There was SO many people complaining about drafting 'another DE' but hmmmmn where are they now?? <_<:)

    And is it me or does Tynes make you nervous on EVERY XP attempt, every FG attempt and even Kickoffs??


    EA doesn't look so stupid now and in many interviews he would state that you can never have too many pass rushers. I think everybody can agree that Tynes needs to go (who the fuck misses XPs) and I would rather have Vanderdrunk than Tynes.

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