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Posts posted by MakeMeSomeFoodHo

  1. Old boy style.


    if you don’t know The reference...check out a Korean film called old boy. It’s incredible. So sick. 

    i believe there’s a American remake too that’s supposed to be decent but I’d watch the original korean film if you could 

  2. Some geriatric writer that thinks that nobody should be unanimous for sure. Or a person with a severe Yankees bias. Very unprofessional. You need to be objective about that...even Michael Kay is pretty good at being objective even though he is a lifelong Yankees fan . And I don’t even like him much. Al trautwig was a homer. Guy definitely humped the stadium hallways when he was broadcasting the Yankees. He must have been heartbroken like he just found out his long lost daughter was his new girlfriend. And she cheated on him with Gary Cohn 

  3. The prophet Elijah was at worst olive skinned/Sephardic. 


    So Eli is a diminutive for Elijah...elisha..as named...but Eli is the diminutive fkr that as well. 


    So he has some real black in his ancestry fo real, yo



  4. 1 hour ago, BlueInCanada said:

    That Mahki Becton or some stupid fucking spelling like that is suddenly shooting to the top of the OT boards.

    Guess he's being rated as the only OT worth a top 10 pick.

    Massive hog molly 6ft7 329 pounds and probably has the best footwork out of all the OTs in the draft.


    Mahki sounds like a pretty black name...i like him

  5. Is Simmons black? If so, how black? Did he go to or think about going to Howard or Grambling? Did he go to high school at a school that isn’t keen on academics for their athletes? And is that high school in coconut grove or overtown or liberty city Miami? Or Birmingham Alabama or Jackson Mississippi or Augusta Georgia?


    and is he from a single parent home with a mother that works three jobs and has never known his father? And do all his siblings have different last names? And is his first name unique and spelled questionably? 

    does he have relatives in the Congo or Uganda? Or the West Indies?

    If the answer is yes to at least half of those inquiries, then I like him too

  6. 1 hour ago, Sephiroth said:

    This does sound good, except I don't know what you mean by "cover the TE." I've been watching Giants games a long time and I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do that. 

    You know, it's funny... I've read the same thing and I think he'd be super interesting to watch... but I also wonder if he's the straw that stirs the drink... would the whole defense fall apart when he's inevitably out for 6 weeks? There's also the whole, "if you have three positions, then you really don't have one..."

    For the record though, I love him as a player and I'm not even sure I subscribe to those two ideas. 

    This does sound good, except I don't know what you mean by "cover the TE." I've been watching Giants games a long time and I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do that



    That was funny...i really did laugh out loud.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Tempest said:

    Strange that I'm pointing out that Jason Garrett does not sound like a Joe Judge hire but a John Mara hire.  Judge has hired a couple coaches out of the AFC East so far and coaches he is familiar with.  Does hiring the former head coach of an NFC East rival help the Giants when you think about how well the rest of the division knows Jason Garrett's play calling tendencies? 

    I'm glad Judge kept a couple of coaches and just looking forward to seeing what kind of team he puts on the field in September.

    He’s an experienced head coach with a good head for offense. I think that’s why Ruth Bader Ginsburg picked him for the oc job. He was smart to higher a guy like him. 

  8. Crazy....I think they need lifetime bans. World Series win taken away and out of all history books. Altuve needs his mvp taken away ...I mean Ryan Braun has his taken away for using peds...altuve used espionage technology to cheat. Fucking James Bond of baseball 

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