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Posts posted by MakeMeSomeFoodHo

  1. They go on a tear and now they are playing like shit. 


    However....i think they're just getting ready for the playoffs. Lot of guys need at bats since they missed so much time. Im optimistic. I think they are going to manhandle niggaz in the playoffs. They have shown that they can go on a tear at any given moment

  2. He is finished.


    Saquon "Boobie Miles" Barkley


    An acl tear...will most definitely have a meniscus tear too...and a patella dislocation as well.


    A death sentence for any type of playwr that needs to cut and fake niggaz out. He will never be able to donthat again. If they ever have fans in the stands at gs...maube he cannsell popcorn cause he sure as hell can no longer play professional football....hell, he wont be able to play a pick up game of touch on thanksgiving with middle aged white grandfather's. Hed get embarrassed


    What a dumb Fucking pick. Assholes

  3. 1 minute ago, mastershake said:


    Season starts tomorrow. First giants game is Monday night.

    For the most part, COVID-19 has yet to be an issue, and few players have opted out.

    For giant fans, from everything I've seen most giant fans are optimistic about Judge and his staff.

    Fans will not be in the stands (I think) in most stadiums. Definitely not at Giants stadium.

    Baker is gone (waived yesterday).

    Thanks my man.


    I hope they can be a 500 team...just as long as they show progress I'll be happy and consider the season a success. 


    I'm excited...I read your post in the other thread about them being young....that's great..but there has to be some continuity on the coaching staff and player personnel if there will be success in the future

  4. The Yankees need continuity. Their offense is awful.


    They're averaging only like 4 runs a game...but that's not a good indicator because they started out mashing. Over their last 20 they're averaging like 2.6 runs per game...that's awful

  5. They have been throwing inside all year to the Yankees. 


    Tanaka was trying to hit people, but he doesn't throw hard and was aiming for their feet. They hit wendle...it should have been over.


    Chapman is a cowboy, he is old school. He didn't think hitting Wendel was enough. So he threw 100 mph fastballs at their heads. Rays didn't like it. Cash said he has a pitching staff full of guys who throw 100 and will retaliate.


    Should be interesting

  6. They should have swept the Mets.


    The Ray's are killing the Yankees this year. And they have only l, Glasnow healthy for their starting staff. Their bullpen is incredible. They throw like 6 innings everyday that Glasnow doesn't start. Sometimes 9 innings.


    The Yankees have too many injuries...no lineup continuity. It's very hard to hit when you're getting regular at bats. It's almost impossible to get in a groove offensively when you you have a new line up daily.


    Only voit and le machine are hitting and that's because they play every day.


    They are the Yankees offense right now. With Sanchez hitting a clutch home run now and then, when he isn't striking out. 


    I'm glad they didn't do anything at the trade deadline, it would have been stupid. They need to play the kids regularly at this point. Who cares about winning the world series this year...it doesn't count in my book. Play the kids that you think are in the teams near future and rest the guys like judge so they're good to go next season.


    They should have traded guys like le maihue, tanaka, paxton...guys in their walk years. And they could just sign them again in the off-season. And they would get some talent to boot.

  7. Jesus Christ they are embarrassing. Lost a winnable game to the Mets where degrom didn't throw one pitch.

    6 game losing streak is probably like a 15 game losing streak if this weren't a shortened season. They're lucky they started so hot because they'd be out of the 8 seed race right now


  8. It's very odd with Stanton. Makes me question the Yankees training regimen or what they allow players to do and not to do. In any type of physical exercise/activity. 


    Especially since it's a lot of players who never were fragile until they put on the pinstripes.


    Stanton played like 150 games a year...every year... except the year he was hit in the face....when he was with the Marlin's.


    Was healthy his first year with the Yanks...and in his second year...he is out all the time and now again


    You have to question the training staff. 


    It could all be coincidental and it probably is.....or maybe it isn't? 


    It's a legitimate concern at this point. And they retooled their training staff last year. Has to be something that the Yankees have their players do. Maybe too much of one thing and not enough of another? No idea..but I smell fish

  9. Well this awful season is pretty much over for the Yankees.


    I see it as the Yankees have imploded to the point of no return. 

    Just play all the youngsters that either have no chance of making the team next year, or the guys like Garcia and Schmidt, Wade, Holder, Gittens et cetera who need to get their feet wet in the majors 


    Like 2016, I'd do exactly what they did that year.


    More than half the starters are hurt. No need to get them hurt more and have them lost for 2021. Or guys like le machine who need to be extended lost for spring training next year

  10. No way. These guys are either already paid and have other interests they want to indulge in. Or they are showing what they can do at an early stage of their careers then sitting out often with made up or trivial injures  so they stay fresh,( especially true for pitchers) then have a healthy walk year where they put up phenomenal numbers

  11. I don't get it 


    I'm 43 years old. I'm 6'2. I weigh and anemic 159 pounds. I'm in awful overall health, especially for a Man my age... And I can swing a fucking bat.


    You're telling me that judge and Stanton.... physical specimen, in their 20's can't swing a bat because their hamstring hurt or their core is sore?


    Get the fuck out of here



    They talk about these guys like they're some 104 year old geriatric great grandfather

  12. The Yankees have a plethora of hard throwing right handers. Their bullpen will be all homegrown soon. 


    And they have a ton of offensive depth . Especially on the outfield.


    They seem unbeatable right now. Happy they got off to a good start cause with only 60 games, you can. Be out of it by the third week

  13. This pandemic is such bullshit.


    I live in Chinatown. I'm middle aged with a plethora of health problems and I haven't gotten so much as a runny nose.


    The people who are dying from it would die from the flu too. It's sad and unfortunate, but that's life. 


    And if it's inevitable that the entire human race is going to die from this shit, we might as well go out living our lives to fullest while we can. 


    I know everything I said is ignorant,but I'm fed up

  14. Game ones are always a toss up...but the steelers have more roster and coaching continuity and are just a better team.


    The bears always beat us. Plus they have gotten better this offseason.


    San fran is great and although they play in our house...they play the jets the week before so they wont have any cross country jet lag and fatigue issues playing a 1 oclock on the east coast.

    Possibly win against the rams they've regressed and lost many good players


    Dallas is much better than we are.


    Thats 1-4 at best.


    But i think they go on to win more in the latter half.


    At worst they go 6- 10, at best 8-8


    Which are both improvements


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