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NYG Hampton 27

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Posts posted by NYG Hampton 27

  1. and that's bullshit anyway, both of those instances, the foot hit the ground and the ball was stripped nearly simultaneously. Jennings was the same way.


    IF you're going to arbitrarily apply the rule, change the rule, SIMPLE AS THAT.


    And regardless, it needed to be reviewed.

    The toe on Shockey's second foot hit the ground before the ball came loose. Evan's second foot came down after the ball came loose. In the endzone, if the receiver has control of the ball, the instant the second foot hits the ground the play is over.


    I agree it was worth a review, but it would not have changed anything.


  2. couple of points.


    ware - the idea is to trade position for position, le for le or re for re. so would you really trade jpp and his potential for ware, who is a sack artist, but rarely seems to take over a game like jpp.


    robinson - definately a pleasant surprise down here, but i'm not sure he's anymore dangerous than manningham


    murray - he's injured, but otherwise i would agree he's the most dangerous rb on both teams


    cb - jenkins is our best cb, after that there's a huge drop off, so no we don't have a better 2nd cb than ross.


    romo - neither team would want to trade qb's. and for the guy saying romo sucks, you might want to compare his stats with eli's.

    then consider this whole exercise. which qb is surrounded by talent, and which is carrying a team more often than not?

    Ross is really the 3rd cb behind Terrell Thomas who is on IR.

    But yea, Ross is better than you're 2nd too ;). Well, sometimes at least, other times I don't know what to think.

  3. If you asked a third team Eli or Romo, I think they'd go Eli; but I don't think the Cowboys would trade Romo for Eli straight up. That being said, if Romo gets a big game or two under his belt and gains some confidence he could be very dangerous. He is a good QB.


    Sean Lee without a doubt, dude can play ball.

    And Witten is by far better than any TE the Giants have, there's no question there.

  4. He of the Hamilton Phantom Hold? He of the "known" anti-Giants bias....no Bro...I would want no part of him. Maybe though the NFL is on notice with these peculiar calls going on so maybe he keeps his hankie in his pocket on any judgment call that is not clear cut.

    I've tried my best to block that from memory.

    And I agree, since basically every analyst I've heard talk about the game has mentioned the terrible calls, I hope/expect this game will be better.

  5. they barely got any penetration and he stood on the 30 yard line. It was like an extra point and he was slow and methodical about it and kicked a line drive directly into the line of scrimmage. It's not the first block he's had this season the same exact way.

    That's almost all false. Greg Jones ran into the backfield and blocked it, untouched. And, a 40 yard field goal is hardly an extra point.


    Go about 2:20 in.



  6. On the block, the defender ran in untouched to the backfield. Not Tynes' fault.


    Now, speaking of special teams, do you guys think the new kickoff rules have helped the Giants?

    I think so, the last couple of years they've sucked at returns and coverage, specifically coverage. All the touchbacks I think are a net positive.

  7. Just spoke with my Boss offline. I will continue to have my job that I love with the people that I enjoy working for. New owners are impressed with the Job the IT Dept has done with the limited staff and resources we have had..


    My wife just got a job finally after 2 years being off.. All in all this is great weekend.

    That's great to hear BK :TU:
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