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Video Games/Sports/TV/Cartoons/Life in General

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NYG Season Review

Alright I know I'm late but I've been busy (started a job with Continental Airlines the day after the NFC Championship game) and had I done this right after the Super Bowl it would've been nothing but "AAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE FUCKIN GIANTS WON THE FUCKIN SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!! LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!" and that would've been retarded.   First off let me say that I'd never been more proud to be a Giants fan than I was the night of Feb. 3rd 2008. I've



Adult Swim Action Show Review

Everyone knows Adult Swim for the comedy of shows like Robot Chicken, Family Guy, and American Dad (among many others). I of course know them for this as well, but Adult Swim has more than just its comedy. Saturday Nights are home to "Action Saturdays." A lineup of Anime, new and old, that combines ones taste for fantasy style action with solid story-telling and certain "What if?" elements. Currently there are two shows running with new episodes and one returning show. I'll be reviewing these fo



Dragon's NYG Mid Season Review

Alright people... I have to say that I am very pleased with the performance of our (and I mean our) NY Giants. With the exception of the two losses and today's... really wierd game, we've looked great.   QB - Eli Manning has looked very comfortable in the role of the leader. His passes have been sharper, his comp. % is up and he has shown that he has all of the confidence that people claimed that he didn't. Don't take this as a shot at him, but I feel that not having Tiki Barber in the backfi



Resident Evil: Extinction Review

Alright... I just got back from the movie theater. As you probably guessed from the title I went to see Resident Evil: Extinction, which is (said to be) the final movie in the Resident Evil series. Before I get to the movie itself, I need to explain something.   I am what some would call a purist. When I found out that the movie series wouldn't be following the game exactly, I was kind of disappointed. KIND OF. Unlike all of the people complaining about how the movies have been done, I have



Bad news

In my first blog, I gave a shout out to my three cousins that were adding to their families. Unfortunately, with a really heavy heart, I have to retract one of those shout outs.   Over the weekend my cousin, Ice's (again I'm using nicknames to respect privacy) wife went into labor. The problem is that she was only 5 1/2 months along. The doctor informed her and Ice that they had two choices: either give birth to the baby and see if they could save him (about a 2% chance of survival), or have



Kobe Bryant

A few weeks ago the NBA Finals hadn't even started yet. Lebron and the Cavs were trying to make a comeback against the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals and the Spurs were trying to relax themselves as they awaited the winner in the Finals. However, the main news wasn't about the impending matchup of the Cleveland Lebrons and the San Antonio Spurs. It was about Kobe Bryant demanding to be traded and then taking his statement back and then demanding to be traded again. I guess it was for g



What does the MVP award mean?

Alright... this isn't just about one MVP award. I'm talking about every MVP award in team sports. Ever since Dirk Nowitzki won the NBA's MVP award, I've been wondering if MVP actually meant Most Valuable Player. Actually I've been wondering about this for a while, but I'm just now deciding to talk about it.   It's an interesting question. I've been hearing multiple definitions for what MVP means. In some cases, sports analysts will say that the award should go to the best player on the best



New Family

I wanted to try out the new blog feature and couldn't decide what topic talk about first so I'm using my first blog to give a shout out to my three cousins that are expecting to become parents. I'll use nicknames out of respect to their privacy. Ice (an older male cousin) and his wife are going to have their second child while Star (older female cousin) and Juggernaut (younger male cousin) are each going to have their first. I am close with all three cousins as well as Ice's wife and Juggernaut'



Salute to some fighters

My Bulls lost to our rivals the Detroit Pistons in game six of the second round of the Eastern Conference Playoffs. Normally I'd be pretty pissed off about my team getting eliminated from the playoffs, and I am, but this time is a little different. We went down three games to none and looked completely outmatched against the more experienced and battle-tested Pistons, but we fought back and almost took the series to game seven. Unfortunately it was not to be. After the game the crowd at the Unit



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