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Posts posted by Lughead

  1. I know I'm in the minority, but I've always thought Alex Smith is an underrated QB. Yeah, he's a "game manager," but he wins everywhere he goes... maybe not Super Bowl wins, but he wins.


    San Francisco wanted to be really smart by benching Smith for Colin Kaepernick. How did that work out for them? Have they even sniffed the playoffs since he left?


    Meanwhile, Kansas City's gone 53-27 with Smith at QB. That's pretty darn good.


    The Skins won't be sexy with Smith at QB, but they'll be solid, reliable, and yeah, probably pretty good.

    Skins have no wr's no Kelsey no hunt. Smith will crash .
  2. Just to be clear, I have no problem with the weight of the HC....it's the big ironic or hilly beard that turns me off.


    I know a lot of men use facial hair like women use make-up...hide a double chin, cove bad cheekbones ect.


    I don't have a problem with that either.


    It's the having a beard because it's trendy or because they're a hill Billy that I dislike

    Maybe he is to busy coaching to worry about shaving.

    And its not like Montana would have been Montana, ​the GOAT, had the Giants picked him. Aside from Mark Bavaro, I don't think the Giants had a skill position player in that era who would have played over the guys that Montana played with on the 49ers.

    you talking Offense Right?
  4. In my opinion, a mutually great deal. Gruden was sitting pretty in MNF (although ESPN is starting to bleed money) and he needed to be secure

    And the Raiders need stability and star quality who can wine and dine the Steve Wynn types in LV.

    If this goes thru, its a win/win. All they have to do is win.

    ....... baby
  5. Any possibility that Davis Webb is better than all the Qb's we can draft this year?

    I don't get the "WE NEED TO DRAFT A QB @2" either. Just because there was a mishandling by the coaching staff/front office then goes back further than spring training last year. That should not imply that the #2/franchise QB isn't on the team already. Granted the Giant OL drafts have gone the way of their LB drafts plug- and-play-a-scrub. I know this will sound contradictory to my last statement but, We need a running back that teams need to prep for. After the #2 pick we can go fill the trench and secondary.


    A solid line with Eli (and Webb waiting/learning as the #2 in the weeds) at the helm, OBJ,Engram,Sheppard and Barkley . That being said. Give Gettleman time to clean out the fridge so he knows what groceries to go shopping for. Reese did most of his shopping at the dollar store for far to long.

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