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Posts posted by DayneForNoGain

  1. It's hard to say right now. I think the playoffs really seperate the great goalies

    from the good goalies so I'll withhold judgement until it's over. I have watched

    almost every Devils game this season, and while Brodeur has made a lot of

    dazzling saves, he has looked kinda shaky at times and his GAA isn't anything



    I have't seen a Flames game all year so I can't comment on Kiprusoff.

  2. Lets see if you can stay in the 6th spot only 2 points seperates you from the canadians.

    It would be the first time in your history, but it would be a great series


    Good luck tonight :)

    The Devils dominated the Habs last night. It was 3-0 in the 3rd period until they

    gave up a few goofy late goals. They were clearly the superior team.


    I'm really hoping we play Carolina in the 1st round. I now live in NC so at least I'll get to see the Devils if we play them.

    Not me, not after they lost 4 games to 1 in the first round to them back

    in 2002.

  3. move to America...get Sunday Ticket from DirecTV. Fuck our women....I should say Fuck the World's Women. Thats what I love about America. Football and international women.

    I'm confused, can't they just bounce the DirectTv signal off satellites orbitting

    the southern hemisphere so people down there can get it too?

  4. It sucks I didn't get to watch it, but a great win anyway! I was

    worried about last week but they beat Ottawa, Buffalo AND the

    damn Flyers. :clap: They can't let themselves play sloppy

    today against the Pens, every win is extremely important at

    this point.

  5. I thought that tonights game was one of the most exciting that I have seen in a while. Found myself screaming and yelling, jumping up and down at every point. Lots of drama, especially in the end. Go Devils! 6th Place!

    It was a great but NERVE WRACKING game, like most of them.

    Thank God that easy goal Gionta hit the post on didn't kill them

    and that he rebounded to get #40. I thought the game was over

    with 35 secs left in the 3rd but that fucking ref blocked the clear

    and kept the puck the zone. In no other sport do the refs cause

    as much inteference.

  6. Up 4-1 in the third and they find a way to blow.

    Hey Marty, nice save on Holik's lame shot. :brooding:

    How pathetic was it when Gomez was crawling back to

    the bench and the Atlanta player jumped on him when

    they went out to celebrate the game winner?


    The defense should be totally ashamed of themselves.


    After that turd of a game, and a trip back from Atlanta,

    I don't have high hopes for tonight. Too bad with them

    retiring Dano.

  7. The only chance we have is Carolina because we have had success against them. But our playoff record is even shakey against them.

    The year Carolina was in the finals, they lost to them 4-1 in the first round.

  8. We need to win some fucking games or we have no shot at the playoffs.

    Even if they sneak into the playoffs, they will get blown out by whoever

    they face. No chance against the Senators, Rangers, Flyers, ISLANDERS....

    I hate to be negative, but you're not going to win many games if you


  9. I think they will be fine, like I said he won't be a role model, but he'll be far from TO, hopefully he's at the point in his career where he realizes he's not gonna be a 1,500 yard reciver but has a job to do. High hopes but perfectly reasonable.

    Didn't he get into it with Bledsoe last year?

  10. Yeah he was benched for 6 games, but you still can't compare him to TO. TO complained about money, Key complained about not getting the ball, now thats bad, but personally I honestly feel he thought the team would win if he got the ball more. That was a few years ago anyhow, he was on decent behavior in Dallas (again not the best, but decent). We're not gonna ask him to get 100 catches and 1,500 yards (although by those stats he had 2 1,000 yard seasons, 2 900 yard seasons and 3 800 yard seasons. Not too damned bad if you ask me.


    He's a sure handed target who will go over the middle and block, THATS what I want.

    Parcells coached Meshawn with the Jets when he was a rookie, so they

    had an established relationship, how do you Gints fans think Me-shawn

    will get along with Colonel Coughlin?

  11. He doesn't have TO's ego, he has an ego but nothing like TO. I don't think he destroys team like TO either, he can be an asset to us, I'm not niave enough to believe he'll be a role model and team player, but he won't sink the ship, he's a great reciever, he'll make the catches that get thrown his way and he'll go over the middle no matter who is waiting for him.


    The day he was released I started a thread wanting him here, I never do that when players are released, i want Key, our offense would be unstoppable with Plax, Key and Toomer at WR.

    1996 New York Jets 14 11 63 844 13.4 50 8 10 3 42

    1997 New York Jets 16 16 70 963 13.8 39 5 15 0 50

    1998 New York Jets 16 16 83 1131 13.6 41 10 15 1 60

    1999 New York Jets 16 16 89 1170 13.1 65 8 16 3 57

    2000 Tampa Bay 16 16 71 874 12.3 38 8 12 0 49

    2001 Tampa Bay 15 15 106 1266 11.9 47 1 19 1 67

    2002 Tampa Bay 16 16 76 1088 14.3 76 5 14 1 53

    2003 Tampa Bay 10 10 45 600 13.3 39 3 9 0 33

    2004 Dallas Cowboys 16 16 70 981 14.0 39 6 15 0 53

    2005 Dallas Cowboys 16 14 71 839 11.8 34 6 7 0 46


    Nope, not great. Had 1 very good year, and 3 decent years, and was benched for

    the final 6 games of a season (a la TO) for being an asshole.

  12. Is that why the Eagles, Seahawks, Dolphins, Patriots, Panthers, and Chiefs have all expressed interest?

    Yes, maybe they expressed minimal interest, but there's no way the Eagles

    would want another big mouth cancer in the locker room, especially one

    with mediocre talent.


    The Skins grossly overpaid for Randel El, and the Eagles CUT TO, hardly

    what I would call "losing out".

  13. So would I, Eagles lose out on yet ANOTHER WR, to a division opponent no less. :LMAO:

    Yeah, I'm sure every team is just clammoring at the chance to get Keyshawn.

    Nobody wanted him when he left Tampa Bay, and nobody wants him now. Have

    fun rooting for that jackass. He has the mouth of TO, but not even a fraction

    of the skill and talent.

  14. The fuckin skins are scary as hell this yr... signing brandon lloyd, Randel El... w/ Moss and porter......


    Thank god we're beefing up our secondary. We have work to do.

    but I'm confused, are they expecting Brunnell to be the one getting all

    these WRs the ball? He had a decent year last year, but I'm still not

    buying that he's good anymore.

  15. Heard that Philly might take Santonio Holmes in the draft.........Guy has alot of heart and wants the ball every time.....Went to an OSU function and he spoke.........Intelligent family man..... :TU: I recognize alot of posters over there from the Giants m-boards.........Guys get serious over at that joint.....

    Actually the TATE section is the biggest collection of retards I've ever come across.

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