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Posts posted by DayneForNoGain

  1. Hard to believe it's the end of the season series already. It's

    also hard to believe that the Rangers, once again, suck as bad

    as they do with all those big name players on their team. I'd say

    they're like the Yankees of hockey, but the Yankees usually

    at least have a winning record. What a sorry sack of shit of a team

    the Rangers are, and I loved that 4 game ass-kicking the Devils

    gave them in the playoff last year. The most memorable moment

    was when Jagr went to throw a cheap-shot at Gomez, missed,

    and fucked up his shoulder. :LMAO:

  2. They have the talent to be a good offensive and defensive team at the same time.

    BRodeur had a pretty bad game against the Pens Friday, but they have the firepower to

    bail him out. He desperately needs to take a game or 2 off. He's been giving up

    too many 5+ goal games lately, and even though he's the #1 goalie in the league in

    every important category, he needs to sit the hell down once in a while or he's gonna

    be giving up 5+ goals in playoff games.

  3. I really thought they were gonna score at the end there and pull off

    a great comeback. At least they didn't quit when it was 4-1, and I

    think if they face Pittsburgh in the playoffs, they can handle Sid the

    Fag and his butt buddies (I don't really mean that, I got nothing against

    the kid, except that he's a heluva player on another team). I have

    to go away all next week, but when I get back I'm ordering Center

    Ice so I don't have to listen to these homer commentators. I'm

    sick of hearing about how Langenbrunner takes a dive, he was clearly

    cross-checked, maybe boarded, in the 3rd period and that shoulda

    been called. :brooding:

  4. Shit, I had to watch the game the other night on Comcasst again.

    Every Devils goal was lucky, evey Flyers penalty was a bad call, and

    when Parise got high-sticked in the face, they were trying to say that

    he wasn't bleeding bad enough for it to be a 4 min penalty while his

    lip was split open and blood was dripping off his chin.

  5. I don't have Center Ice this year and now I have fucking Comcast

    cable, but I think the last game I watched (which was against the

    Flyers because I only get comcast) Gionta scored with 20 seconds

    left and they won, then Parise scored tonight with 30 seconds left

    and won, FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why I watch!

    Fucking fun shit.

  6. What they took off MSG? I never had FSNY though and they took of WNEP 63 too, that's why I switched to DirectTV.

    Even before they took off MSG and FSNY, the Devils games would be

    blacked out. They'd show the pregame and then as soon as the game

    was about to start it would say "THIS GAME NOT AVAILABLE IN YOUR

    VIEWING AREA" or some shit. Fuck it, that game Saturday against the

    Flyers was awesome, even listening to the dorky Flyers commentators

  7. There were 1,237 Gints fans that showed up for the game, but 913 were beaten

    to death in the parking lot, so only 324 were actually in the crowd, 323 of which

    were taunted so relentlessly and severely that they left the game early in tears.

    The only Gints fan who made it through the whole game was a deaf guy wearing

    a hardhat and a bulletproof vest. However, he was run over and killed in the parking lot

    after the game on the way to his car.

  8. Remember in the Fiesta Bowl where Brent Musburger every 14.8 seconds would go

    "And I wonder what Laura Quinn is thinking about now"


    No gives a fuck what Laura Quinn is thinking about now Brent, comment on

    the game on the field you fag.


    P.S. Laura Quinn is married to A.J. Hawk of the Green Bay Packers.

    They were married at a courthouse and A.J. wore Under Armor to the ceremony. :huh:

  9. The Phillies #1 starter savagely beat his wife in downtown Boston.

    He's 6'4" 240 or so, and she's 5'2" 110. According to witnesses, he

    yanked her up by her hair so hard, her shoes came off, then a guy

    that throws a 95 mph hit her AT LEAST twice in the face, how am I supposed

    to root for this scumbag when he pitches? I don't want him to succeed,

    I'd like to see him wander into traffic, get hit by a bread truck, and

    die a slow agonizing death on the side of the road. :furious:


    jr, I don't know if you saw this or not, but a couple weeks ago, they were

    giving away Brett Myers statues at the Red Barons game to kids 12 and

    under. Who the FUCK would want their little kid having a statue of a

    wife-beater? :TD::furious: This was at least 2-3 weeks after the incident,

    the Red Barons should be ashamed of themselves.

  10. Troy Aikman- I hated the 90's Cowboys teams with every fiber of my being, but he absolutely

    deserves it, and should have been unanimously voted it.


    John Madden- While I think his brain has turned into a "turducken", I'm suprised he wasn't already

    in. He gets dumber by the year, but still, he had a HUGE impact on the NFL.


    Warren Moon- Geez, the guy never won a Super Bowl, but aren't his career total passing yards = to

    the distance to the moon?


    Harry Carson- I was gonna say something inflammatory to annoy you dopey gints fans, but the

    guy had 20 SOLO TACKLES IN ONE GAME. That is fucking sick, plus my dad's name was Harry and

    he was a huge gints fan.

  11. The Devils overrachived and the Rangers underrachived.


    The Devils have been EXPOSED.

    That was an awful ugly game, but the Devils are better than

    that. They'll be back.

  12. I'm willing to bet that winning streak doesn't reach 19 straight.

    The worst thing for a red hot team is to take an extended break. It's

    like a coach in football calling a timeout to "ice" the opposing kicker.

    Plus it's hard not to think of 2002 when they got eliminated by Carolina

    in 5 games. Still I think they're very confident now and they just need

    to keep playing how they've been playing. Opportunistic offense and

    stingy smothering defense. I've watched most of the Devils games

    this season, and haven't seen Carolina play at all so it's hard for me

    to judge how it will go down. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  13. Damn, I don't even know what happened in the NFL draft. When

    Elias scored for the second time, I jumped up, slid on the hardwood

    floor in my socks and got FUCKED UP. I have a big scrape on my

    back, but I don't give a FUCK, we just WRECKED the rangers.

  14. I've only been at my new job for 2 weeks and don't know if it's be

    a good idea to grow a scraggly beard. I think if I let ut grow for a

    while it would look OK but for the first few weeks I'd look like I just

    crawled out of a gutter. Plus it's itchy.

  15. I figure this Ranger season like a relationship with a great girl, who at first-Things were rocky, so you needed some time apart (the strike)-then you realize you really like each other and things couldn't be better (the regular season)-just when you're thinking to yourself "nothing could go wrong"-BOOM!! You catch your girl getting fucked in her ass by your best friend!!!!! :brooding:

    Great analogy.



    Isn't it Saturday?

    Yep, Saturday.


    I'm not going to be a prick to the Rangers fans here, but :clap::clap: .

    OLN is horrible and damn, you think they'd zoom in on some real fans,

    not Susan Sarandon and a whole section of assholes in tuxedos. :TD:


    Newsday Staff Writer


    April 25, 2006, 1:55 PM EDT


    GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Dealing the Rangers another blow before they can even return to the Madison Square Garden ice, Jaromir Jagr said today he will be unable to play in Wednesday's Game 3.


    Standing on a stationary bike in a t-shirt and shorts, Jagr told reporters the upper body injury that he suffered late in the third period of Game 1 will keep him out of action tomorrow. The Rangers are trying to dig their way out of a 0-2 series hole after losing Game 2 in New Jersey yesterday, 4-2.


    Jagr missed the game with an injury believed to be a dislocated left shoulder. Rookie goaltender Henrik Lundqvist also sat on the bench, a coach's decision, in favor of backup Kevin Weekes. Indications at today's Rangers practice are that Lundqvist will return to the net in Game 3.



    Um not to pour salt on the wounds, but the final score was 4-1 Devils. You'd

    think a Newsday staff writer would've known that. :confused: Also, I hate to

    say it, but Jagr sustained the injury trying to throw a cheap shot at Gomez at

    the end of the game. I thought he was a classier player than that.

  17. I'm not gonna be a prick, but the Devils just straight up SCHOOLED the

    Rangers. It was so lopsided that towards the end I was almost hoping

    pucks didn't go in. Regardless, they have 3 more to win and the Rangers

    have a lot of talent, let's keep our fingers crossed.

  18. what a great win, I was ready to give up when they were down 3-0.

    Going into the playoffs on that kind of win AND being division champs

    has got to be a HUGE boost to their confidence. Thank God they

    pulled out the win. They never gave up even when I almost did. :clap::clap:



    The playoffs are like a whole new season though, and I don't care how the

    Rangers finished the year, they have a lot of talent and will be tought. I hope

    Colin White is back and Pando better be ready to cover Yaromeer the Queer

    like a fucking blanket.

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