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Blue in Iraq

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Posts posted by Blue in Iraq

  1. From the mouth of babes is right. My son would throw up when I burped him sometimes. Apparently, playing in a NFL game equates to burping for McNabb. Face it. No one on earth has an animated gif of Eli not scoring points in his first Playoff game. McNabb puking on the otherhand well......there are several of those floating around.

  2. This will be my only post about those tits, as I left this board because of them and while I was active here, I never responed to their posts or botherd to read them. Every thread, regardless of the topic, was hijacked with the same anti-Giants, anti-player, anticoach banter. It's only so long you can weed through nonsense to find what it is you are interested in before you stop looking. I left this board in favor af a different board because of the high garbage traffic those idiots were flooding the board with. I'm personally glad they are gon and will continue to read others opinions and voice my own here. However, I will not cram it down people throats like those guys.

  3. Never heard the legal disclaimmer on the broadcasts, huh? Any replication of this or any NFL Broadcasts are prohibited without the expressed written consent on the NFL.


    In other words, DO THAT SHIT!!!

  4. Anyone going to go? Because, a Philly horse won the Derby so, I figure they'll throw a parade because that city finally has a phuckin winner!! They're dying for a parade other than the Mummers. Not to mention, there is still a Billboard on the PA turnpike down by the Langhorne exit dedicated to the most winningest athlete to ever come out of Philadelphia...........Smarty Jones.


  5. It's funny how 'deep' that team is. According to D4P, the Eagles took a shit lasst year becuase of all the inuries. If the team was so deep, they shoulda been fine. Also, it's funny, he all but disappeared from the board here and Giants.com when the Eagles shit the bed last season.

  6. D4P, don't even mention character issues on the Giants with the criminals on the Eagle. Being cocky on the field doesnt equate to character issues. What does, however, is off-field issues such as...lemme see...



    Parking in a handicap spot. (McNabb & Trotter)

    Setting a dog on fire at a playground (some player a few years ago)

    showing young girls his pecker (Mamula?? Ha, talk about wasting a 1st rd pick)

    getting shot in the stomach (No inocent man gets shot in the gut)

    Assault on a FEMALE officer (Brian Mitchell)

    Smoking weed while stuck in traffic (Buckhalter)

    Assulting his girlfried (Siran Stacey)

    Balck on black crime (TO as accused by McNabb)



    So, before you start talking Character issues, maybe you should make sure the Eagles dirt laundry is all cleaned up.

  7. The Eagles OLine and DLine are fine...probably the deepest in the NFL


    but we're talking about the Giants...try to stay on task



    just trying to make friendly conversation with you regarding the state of our favorite teams, respectfully. If you'd rather keep your mind off the state of your team, I understand. I would request the same courtesy if i was an Eagles fan, also.


    i did, however, notice you did not mention the state of the QB and WR depth. strange.

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