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Who Normally Sees The Eagles At Giants Stadium?


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I am curious about how the amount and time Eagles fans have at Giants Stadium compares to Giants in Philly.


If any of you have been to see the Giants play the Eagles at Giants Stadium, and if you have been to the Giants play in Philly, it would be nice if you have done both, I would like to know a couple of things


1) How does the number, percent, estimation of Eagles fans at Giants Stadium compare to the number, percent of Giants in Philly?

Do the Giants have more fans or a bigger proportion in Philly, do the Eagles have more fans or a bigger proportion at Giants Stadium, or is it close?


2) How are Eagles fans and the Eagles treated at Giants Stadium compared with how Giants fans and the Giants are treated in Philly?

Are Eagles fans and the Eagles abused just as much or good amount in Giants Stadium, the same as Giants fans and the Giants in Philly, or pretty much given a free pass?


3) How does this vary year by year. In other words is the amount of Giants fans in Philly, the amount of Philly fans at Giants Stadium, the treatment of the Giants and their fans in Philly, the treatment of Eagles fans and the Eagles at Giants Stadium the same year by year or does it vary based on how the teams are.


I really am curious about the subject, and would take solace in knowing that the Giants are just as well represented in Philly as the Eagles are in Giants Stadium and that the Eagles fans are not let off the hook after all we go through in Philly, but I would like the truth. Thanks.

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