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Could you root for a wife-beater?


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The Phillies #1 starter savagely beat his wife in downtown Boston.

He's 6'4" 240 or so, and she's 5'2" 110. According to witnesses, he

yanked her up by her hair so hard, her shoes came off, then a guy

that throws a 95 mph hit her AT LEAST twice in the face, how am I supposed

to root for this scumbag when he pitches? I don't want him to succeed,

I'd like to see him wander into traffic, get hit by a bread truck, and

die a slow agonizing death on the side of the road. :furious:


jr, I don't know if you saw this or not, but a couple weeks ago, they were

giving away Brett Myers statues at the Red Barons game to kids 12 and

under. Who the FUCK would want their little kid having a statue of a

wife-beater? :TD::furious: This was at least 2-3 weeks after the incident,

the Red Barons should be ashamed of themselves.

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I don't like many Phillies, but before this incident I really liked Brett Myers and he could have pitched on my team any day. Now I could care less if he was casterated and forced to eat his own testicles for what he did to the poor lady.

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The Phillies #1 starter savagely beat his wife in downtown Boston.

He's 6'4" 240 or so, and she's 5'2" 110. According to witnesses, he

yanked her up by her hair so hard, her shoes came off, then a guy

that throws a 95 mph hit her AT LEAST twice in the face, how am I supposed

to root for this scumbag when he pitches? I don't want him to succeed,

I'd like to see him wander into traffic, get hit by a bread truck, and

die a slow agonizing death on the side of the road


LMAO, especially the bread truck, that was funny.

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