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Posts posted by LorfTVP

  1. Yeah, he's been adamant about wanting to remain the closer. Maybe the thought of winning a ring as a set up man outweighs the desire to close for a team with a lesser chance.


    In that case he'd just waive his no trade clause to go to the Sox rather than go to that junk heap of pinstripes.

  2. How so? In the exact same at bats (421) Jeter leads by far in almost ALL statistical categories. Not 2-3 years ago, RIGHT NOW in 2007! This is in Batting average, OBP, Doubles, RBI's, SLG Percentage, hits, homeruns, etc. etc. link


    About the only thing he doesn't blow Reyes away in is Triples and Stolen bases. Which is why we all acknowledge reyes is a more gifted athlete. Just not even close to being a better player.


    And that's not even taking in to account the intagibles that need not be explained. Please....Do not disrespect a HOF player like Jeter again by bringing up such a comparison.


    Take a look at this. I think you were probably distracted by the players in between them because I feel like they're pretty damn close.






    In the same equal 421 ABs, the two players are pretty much equal in every category except BA, SB, and BB.


    I may be biased but stats don't lie, these guys are nearly identical. Now if you want to talk intangibles, let's talk about Jose Reyes reaching a base and messing with a pitcher's head...let's talk about how the hitters ahead of him can take advantage of the pitchers' lapses to knock in RBIs instead of having A-rod in after him. They pretty much reach base the same amount of time and hit the balls just as hard, only difference is that while Reyes has 48 SBs and causes endless trouble, Jeter is hurting his team with his SB attempts.


    I'm not arguing with Jeter's intangibles either, but considering that these two guys are different types of players and that their style of play differs significantly between the leadoff and second spot, they're hard to compare. Disrespecting Jeter by comparing him to Reyes, that's just plain silly. Disrespect would be comparing Jeter to Cristian Guzman.

  3. when i heard we trade linebrink to the brewers i was hoping we were getting back gwynn :ph34r:


    i dont see where he fits in if they like hart so much. maybe they'll trade hall or something


    Well, they're not sure anymore if Hall is real, a flash in the pan, or just injured which hurts his trade value...I haven't heard his name mentioned so I assume that he's in their plans next year as one of the few veteran presences in the lineup. But I like that San Diego is keeping up with it's pitching rich tradition and saving money for the hitters when they come along in a less inflated market.

  4. if you can't do well in the pads bullpen, you can't do well in any bullpen. but i agree, we needed some prospects. but if im the brewers i never trade a top 100 prospect and two lefties for a guy who at best will be pitching the 7th inning


    I guess it's all about the short term...the city has fallen in love with the team again and maybe they think that they have enough young talent to take the hit now and try for the World Series. It will pay off because next year, Gallardo will be in the rotation full time (hopefully Sheets too), Weeks will be healthy, Hart and Braun will get full playing time, etc and that will draw in fans and success.

  5. Bonds chase a drain on Giants future

    Ken Rosenthal

    FOXSports.com, Updated 15 hours ago


    SAN FRANCISCO - The comment received far too little attention, coming as it did on a day that Barry Bonds hit home runs No. 752 and 753.


    "I don't know what the goal is here anymore," Giants right-hander Matt Morris said last Thursday after a 9-8 loss to the Cubs. "To win games?"


    Morris spoke not only for many Giants, but also for other players who grow disenchanted when star teammates pursue records or milestones that overshadow team goals.


    The issue is less of a problem when a team is winning -- see Sammy Sosa in 1998 or Bonds in 2001. But when the losses mount, the extreme focus on one individual can be grating.


    Baseball, above all, is a team game.


    None of the Orioles resented Cal Ripken when he broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive-games record during the team's dismal 1995 season. But Ripken's influence, special treatment and continuation of his streak irritated some of the team's other stars in later years.


    More recently, the Astros had little choice but to support Craig Biggio as he pursued 3,000 hits; Biggio, like Ripken, had forged a unique place in the franchise's history. But the continued presence of a fading Biggio retarded the progress of the younger Chris Burke and arguably hurt the team.


    Bonds, as usual, is an entirely different case.


    He is hardly beloved by his teammates, so it's not surprising that the clubhouse long ago lost patience with the circus atmosphere surrounding his march to the all-time home-run record.


    Some of the tension is unavoidable. Some of it Bonds creates.


    Bonds dictates when he plays and when he doesn't. Much of the media attention he receives is for his alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs. When he's not making outrageous remarks, such as calling the respected Bob Costas "a little midget man" -- he offered that mean-spirited gem to a select group of reporters Wednesday -- he's limiting his availability to the media, forcing teammates to answer for him.


    The Giants' concession to a star system began years ago, when they allowed Bonds to bring a special lounge chair into the clubhouse, not to mention his personal trainers, who finally were banned in his latest contract. His perks were annoying but tolerable -- when the team was winning.


    Now, everything has changed.


    Morris' frustration wasn't directed at Bonds as much as it was at the team's ownership, which is perceived by many Giants -- rightly or wrongly -- to be more concerned with profiting from Bonds' achievements than winning games.


    It's difficult enough for players to accept Bonds getting standing ovations at home while they're absorbing painful defeats. But several Giants believe that Bonds will remain with the team next season, extending the tired saga for one more year.


    The players might be the only ones who believe that; it is far more likely that the Giants, after extending the contract of general manager Brian Sabean, finally will cut ties with Bonds and initiate a youth movement.


    Yet, the players' suspicions are telling.


    Asked if Bonds will be back for his countdown to 3,000 hits -- he's currently at 2,907 -- one Giants veteran says, "I'll bet my life on it."


    Ownership, the veteran says, is petrified of losing attendance without Bonds. The Giants tried to replace him last off-season, yet ultimately re-signed him to a one-year, $15.8 million contract that drew criticism from many of the team's fans.


    This time will be different, one management source vows; owner Peter Magowan finally is more committed to reviving the franchise than he is to Bonds.


    Magowan did not hide his disappointment when Bonds declined to participate in the Home Run Derby at AT&T Park. What's more, after Bonds hits No. 756, it's difficult to imagine that Giants' fans will be all that excited about his quest for 3,000 hits.


    The gig is up.


    Bonds creates excitement, but fans also get excited by young pitchers such as Matt Cain and Tim Lincecum. The Giants, competing with the Nationals and Pirates for the worst record in the National League, need to finally get their priorities in order.


    Records and milestones are part of the game's appeal, part of the game's history. But when a player of Morris' stature says, "I don't know what the goal here is anymore," it's more clear than ever that the Giants have lost their way.


    The goal is simple, no matter what any one player is trying to accomplish.


    The goal is to win games.


    Just some food for thought. Sure the fans love it but I didn't realize how much it affected his teammates who are losing, losing, and losing and see Bonds get loved and adored.


    Go sign A-rod.

  6. Well, the Brewers were scuffling a bit so they wanted to send a message...plus, considering their shaky starting rotation, the ability to shorten games and have the 7-8-9 men set is vital. Linebrink's velocity hasn't been down so they hope that Mike Maddux can work his magic once again and get him performing up to his standards. Even if they lose Linebrink, they'll get compensatory draft picks at the end of the year. It was a risk worth taking for a team in their position and the Padres needed some real prospects in the system.

  7. I dont get it? Are you saying that we both have hitting but you got a rotation and all we got is Mussina?? You gotta be kidding, Moose is our worst right now, and youre forgetting about Wang and lately Igawa. Not to mention Clemens.


    You're thinking too much...I just wanted to make fun of Mussina. You got a rotation that's gonna be effective around half the time with more names (Pettite, Clemens, Mussina) than hurlers. Your starting rotation won't strike fear in anyone but as long as they can perform admirably, your offense will bail them. Plus, even though your bullpen has improved, it has still thrown the third most innings of any AL pen and needs rest which it won't get when your starters aren't going deep.


    I admit I was wrong about Wang last year, I looked at our recent experience with Lowe and maybe took in too many variables. He's improved his K/9 from 3.14 to 4.37 and that's helping him out when he needs it. Does he have a specific K pitch or situation where he tries to strike people out or is it all just sink, sink, sink?

  8. Lorf, be honest, you want no part of the Yankees right now...youre scared to death.


    I've already admitted that I'm scared shitless by the Yankees but I gotta reason with myself and make up excuses to ease my mind. At least we ran off a couple of wins after our .500 month and a half.

  9. Make that 3-5, but still, that's as much production you can ask for out of a fantasy player without a save.


    Love Ryan Braun, he helped me out with my whole JD Drew mistake.


    It's nice to see that we can agree on something.


    I don't like the 12 BBs to 50 Ks and I've only seen a couple of at bats but wow...honestly, wow.

  10. Your pitching has, and has been getting their asses handed to them all season by the Yankees. Just a reminder.


    In 12 games against the Yankees this season, the Red Sox have a 7-5 record and a 5.49 ERA along with a 1.60 WHIP.

    In 12 games against the Red Sox this season, the Yankees have a 5-7 record and a 6.06 ERA along with a 1.85 WHIP.


    So obviously both teams have mashed against each other, pretty startling to see that 24 SPs failed to record quality starts, but your pitching has been getting their ass handed to them a lot more. These teams have seen each plenty, what difference does them hitting well against the Sox have? It's all about adjustments come game day and who is hot at the moment.


    In 36.1 innings, the Red Sox bullpen has a 2.47 ERA against the Yankees.

    All it takes is one good outing from our bevy of all star caliber pitchers and you're done.


    Especially considering that we can hit all the Yankees pitching.

  11. Well, when you signed Damon, you were getting possibly the best leadoff hitter that money could buy. Damon sees every single pitch in the first at bat by fouling balls off, had power, had speed that everyone knew the Red Sox didn't take advantage of, and played a good center field. Add to that the fact that you got to stick it to the Red Sox and it was perfect...just not four years of it.

  12. I like the fact he seems to be willing to keep him till he's a free agent and gets picks, no sense in trading a guy like that for second teir prospects.


    What do you mean second tier prospects? Have you heard who Daniels is demanding for Teixeira?!


    James Loney, Andre Ethier, and Clayton Kershaw - Dodgers

    Jarod Saltalamacchia, Kyle Davies, Elvis Andrus - Braves

    Casey Kotchman and a top prospect - Angels



    These guys are all tops in their organizations. I understand that the price will go down but a trade can't magically fix a struggling farm system, that's where scouting comes in. But if Teixeira gets traded, there's no way you're getting second tier prospects.

  13. Lorf, the Rangers didn't have a monopoly on roid use, wasn't it a Mets clubhouse worker that was supposedly dealing to all kinds of players? We did have a few guys do it, but I ain't giving back those 3 division titles if I found out Johnny Oates was on the juice. Steroids just ain't a big deal to me anymore, I don't care if they were being used and wouldn't care if they were used to this day. Shit, if it means a playoff run, i'll hand deliver the next batch to Arlington.


    Not suggesting that you ever had a monopoly, just that some of the biggest names that come to mind are from Texas and Oakland.


    But see, I got into the sport late, in about '99 or so, so as much respect as I have for Sosa, McGwire, and the others who helped save the sport, I grew up with a different mindset. I didn't fall in love with these players as prospects as I am now so I have no reason to look past blatant usage of whatever kind.

  14. While it's perfectly reasonable for the Yankees to surge and overtake the Red Sox, there are so many reasons that they won't. Since I'm jet-lagged, I'm only going to say is that the Yankees are unsustainably hot right now and you're getting ahead of yourself.


    Actually, I'll say more, because there is more to it than just the State of the Yankees, you have to be keenly aware of the State of Red Sox Nation.


    1. Curt Schilling has been out for months because the Red Sox felt comfortable enough with their lead to fully get him strengthened for the stretch.

    2. The Yankees lineup can and has mashed while the Red Sox lineup lacks consistency. That doesn't change the fact that any one of these guys can get hot at the exact same time (except for maybe Drew of the 6 HRs).

    3. Have you seen the Red Sox pitching staff? Beckett and Matsuzaka are dealing, Schilling is going to return, Tavarez has finally been kicked out of the rotation, and for the time being, Gabbard is impressing. More important is our bullpen that can actually hold leads with a 7-8-9 of Manny Delcarmen, who has come into his own (and also played baseball with a drug dealer I know), Okajima, and Papelbon. Pineiro just got sent to the minors for Lester until Schilling returns, and Donnelly is returning. Even if we haven't done it in the most conventional way, we have the best bullpen ERA in the AL and it's improving.


    Fuck, I don't think I went anywhere with this.


    Basically put, I'm still scared shitless by the Yankees.


    But pitching does win championships and we have the hitting to boot.


    You have hitting and...Mike Mussina.

  15. yeah really LORF how dare you have an opinion


    Well, I admit that I may be being unfair but I'm one of those people who have grown to hate Bonds not just because of the way "third parties" portray him but because every single facet annoys me. I guess you're right that he's a draw in San Francisco but teams go bad and teams go well, the Giants had their day in the sun and now they're chilling in the sun. You know what, if Bonds retires before 3000, you'll still have Matt Cain, Tim Lincecum, and a bevy of old starting players who will eventually go out and be replaced by young affordable talent. Sure Bonds creates runs and wins, but it doesn't change all the questions around him.


    I choose to be bitter, complain, and hope that he realizes in his overgrown head that there's more to the world than his "friends" in San Francisco and all that. He hears the boos, no doubt, we heard about that in the canceled Barry on Barry, but still, he chooses to ignore them and live in his own personal bubble where he's the adored, famed Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants.


    And VG, I respect your respect for Bonds, and I know this is a low blow, but Rangers fans should be used to rooting for guys on steroids.


    Sorry, man.

  16. I guess I'm just a hater...but if I will hate, I've gotta hate with a passion.


    Let's see,

    #70 Away

    #71 Home

    #73 Home

    #500 Home

    #600 Home

    #700 Home

    #714 Away

    #715 Home


    I mean, I know that they Giants strategically give him off days so that he can hit it at home but honestly, law of averages says that he has to hit either the tying or record breaking HR during an away game.

  17. In his pursuit of the all time record, Barry Bonds has three games at Milwaukee followed by a seven game homestand vs. the Braves and Marlins.


    Since his tainted record is a given, here's to Bonds breaking it after the homestand at Dodger Stadium, where he should get the treatment he deserves. Honestly, why is every single record breaking homerun of Bonds at home?

  18. I might be inclined to agree with the lead down to seven games. Seven games! The lead was just twice that. The Yankees are starting to both hit and pitch and have been 10-4 in July. The Red Sox just have no fire, no power, and no ability with RISP.


    I don't want to become the Padres but if our offense continues to perform like this. Remember the days when a comeback was pretty much a given? Especially when Ortiz and Manny come up in the ninth, which I feel like they've been doing in every one run loss without results. We're 3-4 in 7 games since the AS break against the Blue Jays and Royals with three 1 run losses and a 9-3 drubbing. Schilling should help but it's Tito's job to adapt to the team and light the fire underneath them rather than be too much of a player's manager and let this continue.


    How close do the Yankees have to get before these guys start playing?


    Their BA with RISP is 9th in the division but we're not scoring runs and I still can't figure out why with all the men we get on base. These losses are just frustrating...watch, soon we'll start hearing it from the Yankees fans if we can't get the lead back to double digits to end the month.

  19. How are his balls hit now? With more authority than before? Because he was hitting groundballs over half the time. I thought that this was going to be a good power year for him but that's hard to do when you're not hitting flyballs.

  20. I know you guys all have friends from wherever that support their hometown team, however pitiful they may be. It's 2 in the morning, I'm bored, and I'm trying to figure out where you're from and who are the token team fans around.


    I'm in Boston now and other than Red Sox, Yankees, and Mets fans, there's pretty much only a Phillies fan...but of course I don't have friends.


    And VG, the way I look at it, you're the token Rangers fan.


    Enjoy the distinction.


    Because everyone else will jump on the Rangers bandwagon in say...2013.

  21. Make that 5/5! I just saw it on Stattracker and felt the urge to come here and scream,




    Now all he needs to do is hit a HR...but I can't complain with production. In fact, I'm rooting for production from the entire Rangers lineup solely for Michael Young's sake because honestly, other than Teixeira and Young, who owns a Texas position player? Especially in shallow leagues where people (idiotically) ignore Lofton. Well, Kinsler deserves mention but let's just hope he picks it up when he gets off the DL.

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