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Posts posted by Scipio

  1. Your right Huf is blowing it, he stay's with his game plan no matter what happens. If the they take away the run then go to the short pass to get they off of it, they act stupid at times. Ok now we have stinking Tenn Defense let see Huf the dope blow it again. WE NEED THIS WIN Tom

  2. You guys have been killing me but I am telling you this kid is a bust. And TC is not the coach for this team, they says we have talent then were is it. For one were are the slants and dink passes the offense is playing like crap and we are making ELI EL STINKO throw to far down field. Right now he can't make a throw 15 yards on target. On one play he threw to PLAX and shockey was wide open. right in the same line. TC has this Kid thinking that SHOCkey is a blocker!!!! Thats part of the problem, teams are crowding the line and stoppong the run because they know he can't make the THrow. Just go to the slant or the dink to the TE.

    This partly the coaches problem??

  3. You will see tonight, a good QB will bounce back and pick the JAGs apart! If I am right this KID is going to fold his tent and give us another STINKER, I am not NEG I sm sick of losing and always being made fun of because of the Giants.

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