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Posts posted by gateb

  1. love the spirit GATEB, maybe Santana can pitch every night

    he's really been something this year hasn't he? i know all of us were kinda iffy on him around july but he has actually been better than what i thought we were getting when we made the trade.


    with the likes of mo vaughn, bobby bonilla, etc. in our history it's so refreshing to see a guy like johan live up to the hype.


    just one more big start...

  2. i honestly dont give a shit if its a total fluke and miracle, i want to see the mets take this division and have those 45,000 towels at citizens bank park stuck right up every single fan's ass.


    i got nightmares on game breaks every single day last year with those fucking towels, and i have absolutely not intentions of seeing it again.


    fuck what the stats show, fuck the rosters, go out there take 5 straight and put the phils in 2nd.



  3. I thought he played great and was tough in the pocket. I was vey dissapointed in Burress and Toomer...Dropped alot of catchacle balls today. Man, I think Toomer has a bad case of the dropsy again.

    That catch in OT made up for all of it and more.


    From the 2nd quarter to the early 4th it just looked like eli's throws were wobbly. I know one example doesn't suit it but like on that 5 yard dump off to bradshaw, he had a lot of room ahead of him but it was thrown wobbly and behind him.


    Who cares though. He is so clutch when it matters the most it makes all of this irrelevant. That 30 yard pass to plax couldnt have been handed to him any better.

  4. GateB and I were just talking about this yesterday. Dockery is really good at covering guys

    like Wes Welker, Santana Moss, etc. But he really can't cover the deep ball very well.

    He made a really nice play on a short pass early on in the game, but looked lost in space with deep throws.


    I love the way Spags handled him on that one play he misread though.


    Posted by Michael David Smith on September 10, 2008, 5:50 p.m.

    Former Denver Broncos linebacker Al Wilson made official today what everyone already thought: He’s retiring from the NFL.


    “I thank all my fans from my high school and college days in Tennessee on into my time in the NFL and Denver for their continued love and support throughout the years,” Wilson said on JockLife.com. “I was truly blessed to play the game I love and I am forever grateful to those that believed and entrusted in me. Playing for my fans and my teammates made the game of football everything to me.”


    Wilson suffered a neck injury in December of 2006, and he hasn’t played since then. He explored opportunities for a comeback this year, including visiting the Browns in March, but he has now decided to call it a career.


    Wilson started 119 games in eight NFL seasons, all with the Broncos.


    Tuck for Al Wilson.


    Wow, thank god we stood pat.

  6. right, but i think having a guy like delgado--who didn't like willie--being close to reyes is why reyes held that grudge for such a long time. i think that if delgado liked willie then reyes would've let it go a lot sooner

    i can see that with reyes, but I don't think delgado dogged it because of willie. he had 16 million on the line this year, i don't think he's willing to pass up 12 million bucks to send a message to the manager.


    i think jerry has helped more than willie had hurt delgado.

  7. Even to the people who hate Eli - There is no arguing the fact that he is a top 10 quarterback in the league. Any point you try to make is offset by that fact. Look at how many teams are stuck with the Jason Cambell's, Chad Pennington's, Kyle Orton's... to make the argument that Eli is not an above average quarterback is absurd. The guy has thrown 20 or more touchdowns in each of his 3 years as a full season starter (I don't think Collins ever threw 20 touchdowns in a year and he was our best qb before Eli in the last since we won our second ring.

    I think it's really underrated how durable he is too. He does take a beating some games, but he never gets hurt.


    Having a healthy QB isn't really a given, but with Eli it has been (knock on wood(.

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