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Posts posted by GA4M


    Because they tend to lose at home and I'd be happier with a win.

    They get us hyped up when they win a road game then bring us back down to reality at home.


    Wonder why that is? they like to lose national games too.


    Did any of them do anything but that?


    Barber was the only thing carrying the Gints during his playing years.


    Shockey was the best TE we've had in the past 20 years.


    And OBJ is the best WR the Gints have ever had.


    I know, and I so hated the media talking about it all the time like he was 60% of the offense. fuck, other teams knew that too and NY would still just keep feeding him the ball and losing in the end.



    Yeah, OBJ is ....but nothing on the other side will always take away from that. he's still not good enough to take over a game. about the time he is, Eli starts with his shit of turning it over.

  3. Some of this RB issue is due to wasting a few years either keeping older players too long or always too many starters injured. always filling holes since the last Super Bowl. Been nothing since Bradshaw and Jacobs when they weren't banged up too.

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