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Posts posted by meetdamets

  1. I didn't really get to speak to him that much, he just said "Congrats, thank you for the hard work"

    shook my hand and then Mr. Met gave me a pound and took some pictures.


  2. Maybe Nady, Bay, Ibanez, Thames, probably some others. Mets can get a decent bat not a superstar like Holliday and still not deplete the system(whats left of it).


    Hey anyone know what Benny Agbayani is doing?

    LOL hey i acctually know where benny is.........HE is apart of BOBBY v's coaching staff in Japan.......Bobby V and benny are great freinds...But personally i dont know if i want Holliday he would cost too much we would most definetly have to Deal F mart..........Id rather have the X-Man back i was heart broken when we traded him hes such a solid player but i think we got a steal with Perez.......


  3. Looking at what the guys that Omar gave up for Santana are doing that deal looks even more impressive when you consider they managed to keep Pelfrey, who seems to be showing why he was a #1 pick. I think its about learning how to pitch with him and in his case he has done it at the major league level.

    Mike Pelfery is really turning in to a Dominant Pitcher..........If he can get his curvball like he had it at WSU then i see Pelfery wining 15 games this year.............The mets will win The NL east i have no doubts. And we arnt even all the way healthy guys HAHAHHAhHAH..When we get Ryan Church, and Alou get healthy its a wrap... And anyone here If Elduqe will pitch this year?????????? We can really use him and Matt wise in the Bullpen. LETS GOOO METS 1st place by the allstar game

  4. lol or maybe he can stay in and blow it himself

    un-fucking believable................5.5 back and im sick to my stomach.............this team has no heart johan ya should of went to Boston they would hit for ya...............Mets face another rookie and cant hit the cock sucker

  5. ah better than nothing but I dont know what Santana was thinking.

    That was a great AB for David he was down 0-2 and worked the WALK 2-0 METS WOOOOOOOOO LETS GOO BEALTRAN we need a base hit

  6. It would have been better served if the hats were a different color. Too much white on the NY outline. I like the Phillies hats better.

    Wtf johan He should of worked a walk........He helped the pitcher out bad

  7. WHats up fellas i was wondering if you guys would Be intrested in helping me get this SHow off its feet..Im kinda new with this site and i just started the show...And if you have no clue what ustream is its a website that lets you make your own shows and it is Live so while your live the show allows the people to Chat and also Co host the show. heres the LINK http://www.ustream.tv/channel/today-in-baseball


    Its gonna be fun talkin baseball in there i really dont have a time set for the show to start........Let me know if any of you guys are intrested in helping get This show up.........ANy ways FUCK pedro Feliciano..........LETS GOO METS

  8. I think we are startin to come around now.....im happy with the way Reyes is hitting the ball and also Trot,Beltran,Endy are also hitting the ball well the last few series...This series with Seattle is huge we have to sweep our at least take 2-3.....As far as The Way Pelfrey pitched i think that he will have a big seconed half of the season......I BELIVE THE METS WILL WIN THE DIVISION.......CHurch should be back This week and hopefully he picks up where he left off.The PHILLIES bad starting pitching is catching up with them I LOVE IT HAHAH. JOHAN v.s QUEEN FELIX tonight LETS GOO METS

    lol.......Pitcher hits a grand slam off the first pitch he sees...........i just dont get it how unlucky can we bee.

  9. I thought pulling Pelfry was a good call, but letting Joe Smith stay in the game after giving up the dinger was an even better call. Did you see that play he made infront of Wright? No-one can say Joe Smith is not invested in the game.

    I think we are startin to come around now.....im happy with the way Reyes is hitting the ball and also Trot,Beltran,Endy are also hitting the ball well the last few series...This series with Seattle is huge we have to sweep our at least take 2-3.....As far as The Way Pelfrey pitched i think that he will have a big seconed half of the season......I BELIVE THE METS WILL WIN THE DIVISION.......CHurch should be back This week and hopefully he picks up where he left off.The PHILLIES bad starting pitching is catching up with them I LOVE IT HAHAH. JOHAN v.s QUEEN FELIX tonight LETS GOO METS

  10. Goodbye, Willie. It's a shame that this team cost you your job. In particular, your bullpen. Goodbye, Willie. We will remember you fondly.


    Also fired: Rick Peterson and Tom Nieto, the first base coach. Still a Met... Sandy Alomar. :furious:


    Jerry Manuel named interim manager. Ken Oberkfell, Dan Warthen, and Luis Aguayo promoted to the big club.


    Now Omar, these Mets will be playing for YOUR job.

    It was only a matter of time now that it is don maybe the team can play with a clear mindset and start wining some games........BOBBY V WHERE YOU AT.....LMAO


    2009 new manager new stadium new start BRIng BoBBY V back to NY....He would not stand for Half ass Baseball....

  11. Well Mets fans we got our Ace on the mound today, And his counter part aint to shabby RHP Dan Haren....Though in his last outting v.s. the Mets in AZ we shelled him pretty good....Also a few things about this kid we called up Chris Aguila, 29, had just completed perhaps the most productive stretch of his professional career, hitting .528 with seven home runs over nine games. Overall, he was hitting .308 for the Zephyrs, with 17 homers and 40 RBIs in 221 at-bats. LOL im praying To God (allah,budda........WHat have you).....That his bat stays HOT....Last nights game was so mentally draining..........I mean when Reyes and Castillo were thrown out back to back......................WIll this nightmare ever end Hopfully Johan can pitch well and maybe if were lucky we could get a few hits with runners in scoring position..........Lets goo Mets



  12. yes historically as the pressure gets greater Billy wilts like an ice cream cone in a NYC heatwave

    LMAO..........Wagner is a pice of shit........Pelfery out dueld Webb and Wagner just spit in his face...Pelfery has pitched two great outings in a row and our bullpen just lets him down,This is not good for our young pitchers.....Thank god Carlos showed up today.....Well fellas im content with this win but im not getting my hopes up because we will just go on another 5 game losing streak LOL.....GO METS.


    P.S. I bought The New York Giants Road to XLII DVD's.......FOr Giants fans its a must BUY its Week 17 and all playoff GAMES.......Not just clips the entire GAMES.......its like 29 bucks on nfl shop

  13. You forgot in your things that "could happen" to cite how pigs can fly :P


    No one wants to realize the obvious here. This team has played like SHIT for 1 ENTIRE year now. Not 9 weeks, not 2 weeks, not 8 games 1 WHOLE YEAR. Like the great Parcells use to say when he was here, You are what your record says you are.


    When you combine that, with the pressures of playing with the dubious distinction of being the team that had one of the biggest collapses in the history of baseball you have an awful combination.


    See here is the thing, if these guys actually liked one another, maybe they could bunker down and have a take on the world mentality(say like the Giants did in 07 with the naysayers and Barber bullshit)but sadly they do not. They are a toxic mix if you will and the blame for that is squarely on the shoulders of the general manager.


    You know I have a friend who is a huge Met fan and knows the people who follow the team on the road for like 50 games a year. Know what they told him? That beltran is a great guy, signs autographs, talks, is friendly, smiles at the hotel all the time, EXCEPT when he is with Delgado. When he is with Delgado is ignores people, does not talk to other teammates and is introverted. What does that tell you? Beltran is a phony and Delgado is a fucking cancer. Like I said, toxic mix.

    This is my Take on the whole players not liking each other........I think That willie has lost his team,They are not playing with any intensity,ergency....or pride...WIllie i love ya bro but you gotta goo THROW Bobby V some cash steal him form Asians we need a Manager with some BALLS and over all knowledge for the game..Like today we scored 5 runs real quick then the bats went silent.........LOL this is really getting old our bullpen is UN GODLY BAD....the royals have a better PEN for god sakes.......OMAR, WILLIE SAY GOOD BYE GET ATTA HERE

  14. Mets fans it is now June,10 2008, ANd our New York Mets are 6.5 games outta first place with a below .500 recored......Now coming into the 2008 season did we really think we were this bad, I know i didnt. There are many reasons why watching my beloved Mets fail over,and over, and over........etc Makes me sick but im just gonna list a few reasons. ANd also im gonna list what we can doo to WAKE UP..


    1.Oliver Perez aka Mister Inconsistent...He wants 9+million a yr this is his contract year and unless he really picks it up in the seconed half i dont see him in a met uni next season...And personally i wouldnt be mad he makes me sick with his lack of effort and NO mental toughness..

    2.Aaron Heilman aka Hit-the-ball Heilman...Plane and simple this clown needs to goo every time i hear his name i cringe and get the erge to beat my own ass.....

    3.Scott Schoeneweis aka .......... I have nothing to say about him but Simply he cant pitch to right handed hitters

    4. The Carlos's AKA The loss Beltran i try so hard to like you i really doo but knowing that we over paid for you and watching you Lolly gag around the diamond makes me want to vomit....And Delgado i dont really blame you its not your fault your old im just mad we gave up Mike Jacobs for your over the hill ass...


    Ok met fans i know you might not like my negitivity but i LOVE this team and i really hate the road were going down.....We must clean House next season.......ALou BYE BYE Delgado BYE BYE OUR ENTIRE BULlpen LOL BYE BYE.......We need to get rid of all these old Injury pron players and let some young hungry Minor leaugers battle for a spot........Please feel free to add on or bash what i have too say.........PLease METS Get it together

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