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NYG Hampton 27

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Posts posted by NYG Hampton 27

  1. Well, that's your opinion, you're entitled to it. I wouldn't allow dog killers in my league, personally. But, can I ask you, how would you feel about Michael Vick if he grabbed a dog and slit it's throat? You'd feel a little different, right? So, why when he pit hundreds of dogs against each other and fought them to the death is it any different?


    Bigblue, I just became a fan of William Beatty on facebook now...I'm gonna invite him and all the Giants to some of my frat parties now...send them invitations and shit...how sick would that be?

    Dude, Vick is an asshole, no argument there. But I don't see a reason to ban him from the game for it.

  2. You don't like dogs? I like dogs more than I like most people.


    Not to mention he isn't a good quarterback and doesn't deserve to be signed by anyone.


    And don't worry, there are plenty of pro athletes killing people and still playing football. It's fucking ridiculous.

    I like dogs, and I agree with you on dogs vs. people; but he was punished enough, too much in my opinion. And he should be free to play football from here on.

  3. Dear Diary,


    Today was an awesome day, and I couldn't wait to write. First, a boy I really like, William Beatty, actually wrote to me on facebook. And he called me by name!!! I actually got a lot of butterflies in my stomach, and am feeling things I never have before. Keep your fingers crossed diary. I sure am! Also, as if this wasn't awesome enough, today I actually got to go to Target and get my first bra!!!! Wait to William sees me!





    HAHA :lol:

  4. I actually think this group of WR's is gonna pan out to be lethal. Nicks is our Crabtree, we dont need Michael or his fuckin ego. We got a top tier receiver who is willing to prove himself before bitching for more money. Plus, I dont want to give up draft picks, when our team is so solid, that we can use these picks to create even more depth. Lets start grooming some OLineman, or maybe more LB's, a better backup QB.

    We have what could be a top tier receiver, he hasn't played a down yet, but I hear what you're saying BigBlue.

  5. This is largely hypothetical, being a somewhat slow day in training camp,,,,



    Michael Crabtree is holding out and is reportedly willing to re-enter the draft next year if need be.


    One things is definate; for whatever reason many NFL teams seem very reluctant to pay WRs the big money contracts. Much like vets, this is pretty much the only bargaining chip they have. OF course all players want to be on the field. But at the same time this is a business as well.


    IF Crabtree is willing to follow through on his holdout threats, is it worth the 49ers trading his rights to another team?


    Assuming a trade was a possibility, should Reese should make a bid for him?


    It would certainly cost our 2010 first round pick, which will likely be late in the round.

    It could likely also include a decent young player or two (we do have guys like Manningham, Moss, Tyree, Hagan, Whimper, Blackburn, Wilkinson etc who could potentially be included on any deal) and/or a conditional future draft pick.


    Any thoughts

    Interesting thought Pete, but we'd be trading a lot more than a first and one or two young guys, we'd be getting a lot of risk. If the Giants were to iron out a contract with Crabtree before the trade (which I don't know if that even legal) then maybe, but bringing in a question mark like that is too risky for me. Plus, with the contract just given to Eli, and having to sign our own draft picks, do the Giants even have the money to sign him?

  6. Awesome just touches the surface... inspirational, magical, what a great game this is, and what a great team this was and is! Damn I miss Strahan!


    He is one funny dude. Two quotes and I have to paraphrase, "I saw Eli take off to run, and so I went and got a drink of water, drank it, went back and got another drink of water, drank it, put the cup down, looked up, and he had gained two yards and the play was still going..."


    And, "Eli trips and falls all by himself, with no one around him... and he keeps his feet!"


    Just shows you how brilliant Fox was for going out and grabbing him like they did.


    That video really took me back... all the way to Fort Dix, where I was in Warrior Leadership Course and only got to watch the last 2 minutes of the first half, and the last half of the 4th Quarter... but what an ending. 200 soldiers or so going nuts... about 60-40 for the Giants... and there could've been no better celebration than 120 soldiers screaming and hollering when we won that game.... I remember a big group of us jumping up and down together, yelling at top of our lungs, "WE WON THE SUPERBOWL, WE WON THE SUPERBOWL!!!" Then came the tears.... just the realization of how unbelievable and awesome that story was. It was the greatest SuperBowl of all time, I don't think it can ever be matched.

    That was hysterical, Strahan is the man.

  7. even though we stunk up the joint wearing them, I agree.


    Atleast now I have the Authentic red Tuck, so when I wear it 5 years down the road after 4 SB titles...you cant call me a bandwagoner who JUST bought a jersey.

    I have a red Sehorn, but I guess that does nothing for me except having a funny jersey.


    Do I smell 1986 Superbowl Jerseys with the GIANTS helmet :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

    Shit, I hope so. Those unis were the best.

  8. I don't see it as that much of a surprise.


    Alford is a very good passrusher and the other guys are pretty well established.



    I think Canty will end up as the probable starter at NT, splitting time with Cofield


    Bernard was brought in as insurance for Robbins at UT; between Robbins, Bernard and Alford, this is really solid


    With that said, we will certainly mix it around a little bit personnel wise. Canty and Alford will likely see some reps at DE


    Sintim will get time at DE in passing downs and presumably there will be a 4th DE, likely Evans or Henderson


    I am alot more concerned for our Nickle LBs with Boley hurt. None are really solid in coverage.



    (I still have doubts as to whether Robbins (and Boley for that matter) will be ready to go from the start of the season, they could start the season on PUP)

    I agree with everything Pete except for Alford seeing time at end. Did he see any time there last season? I don't recall seeing him there but I could be mistaken. And like you said, if Robbins isn't ready to go at the start of the season they won't be taking guys away from the interior unless depth is lost at DE, but right now DE is pretty stacked.

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