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Thoughts Through an Alcohol Induced Haze

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2008: New Hope.

Well, it's early February, pitchers and cathers report today and I find myself with new hope. The Giants just won the super bowl, LSU won the BCS Championship in Janary, and thats got me all excitable. I bought Athalon's 2008 baseball preview mag, and quickly dismissed it as garbage when I read they had the Rangers finishing 3rd in the West. Impossible I thought. They got their Center Fielder, upgraded the corner outfield spots, Blalock is healthy, Salty is gonna be a monster, and Kinsler is

Virginia Giant

Virginia Giant


Well, here we are, September, the greatest time of year for sports fans. Thats is, unless you're me. September for most sports fans means the playoff race in Major League Baseball and a fresh start in the NFL. It's nearing the end of the month, the 21st to be exact, and that number has some significance, because thats exactly how many games back from first place my beloved Texas Rangers are. We are fresh off a four game losing streak (actually we've dropped nine of our last ten), with very

Virginia Giant

Virginia Giant

Life as a Rangers Fan and Being a Loser

There is nothing more American than drinking beer and watching baseball, likewise there is nothing more Japanese than drinking Sake and watching baseball or more Latin American than drinking Tequila and watching baseball. Basically if you want to be truly (insert nationality here), than pop open a bottle of whatever the locals are drinking and turn on a baseball game.   I discovered the game by accident, early in my life my BFF told me he'd be playing for his dads team and I should play.

Virginia Giant

Virginia Giant

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