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Posts posted by NYGFan05

  1. Right, so explaining why Will Peterson was kicked off Michigan's football team, or retelling my Jamaar Taylor story ... that's recycled material. Yep, all that was in Paul Schwartz's column. Please.


    While you're collecting some data regarding my "arrogance," how about you let me know exactly which one of my articles is recycled material. Some specific examples would be helpful as well. Until then, you're easily classified as a coward.


    And just so you know, the people who have defended me in this thread aren't slaves. Most of them aren't even regulars on my new board. They're defending me because you're being a cock.




    Lets recap, shall we?


    Thusfar, you've labeled me with the following: Cock, coward, resentful, and my personal favorite..."cunt muscle"


    Weak minds rely on name calling...


    From my own personal experience, I would say that those very things could also be applied to someone who made one impassioned speech after another regarding making this forum the greatest place for New York Giants discussion, only to turn and walk away during the off-season because it was obvious that things weren't going that way. The ego needed feeding, and a promise of an outlet for your oft-repeated gibberish, which is common knowledge for Giant fans, was too much to resist, yes?


    I have visited that other website, and I must say that it does not hold a candle to this one with regards to entertainment value and general information.


    If I were managing this forum, I would not permit you to partake, and I hasten to add that in certain conversations with others, it seems that they, too, would not be saddened by your departure. I believe that you hold no allegiance to anyone but yourself, and that, sir, is dispicable and worthy of any verbal bashing that may come your way.

  2. NYGFan05 on the What do you hate? thread:

    Yeah, this guy isn't a bitter individual at all...



    If you have dealt with as many arrogant, self-serving, self-centered slobs as I have on a daily basis, you too would feel this way.


    Of course, you may not see those qualities on other people so easily, as it would be like looking in the mirror. People don't often see themselves as others perceive them.

  3. NYGFan is a cool poster who has had quite a bit to contribute to this board. Unlike Ferret, who gets by on zero content, but usually 'humourous' posts. What I dont get is this new "Money's fellatio team' that has suddenly cropped-up?? Whatsup with that? KP, Plax, anyone? :confused:



    Well thank you.


    It's nice to know that there are others who aren't prepared to buy recycled material and pay for it by servicing the author.


    Slavery is apparently not dead...

  4. The fanclub hath arrived



    My point was that every single time a post of mammoth proportions is posted by Mr Money, it is more or less an echo of what any true New York Giant fan believes and is already aware of, yet the amount of saliva that drips from the chins of the masses whilst reading the same obvious opinion that has been recounted several hundred times by sports writers who are compensated for such is quite embarassing. This is the point I was attempting to convey, and looking back at previous posts, I now see that it was easy to misconstrue this point because of the way it was put forth.


    I can assure you that my reasoning for this tirade is not jealousy, nor is it fueled by some inane need to be accepted by complete strangers. It is merely an excercise in stating an opinion with a critical bent, and it seems that if Mr Money is so fond of writing for the masses, he might be wise to learn to accept criticism when it comes his way and maintain a certain level of composure while doing so. If you want your opinions to be heard, prepare for the negative as well as the positive, otherwise, you might consider getting the hell out of the game.

  5. So Cal, you know as well as anyone here that Ferret is kidding and has no hidden agenda.


    As for the alleged "someone spoke out against Money" reactions, I haven't seen it here or on NYFG. I recall it happening occassionally way back when on Giants.com, but that trend discontinued ages ago.


    Plenty of people disagree with me on a variety of topics, and this NYGFan character is no different. He wants to throw insults at me? Get in line ... it doesn't bother me. If he's such a good contributor, however, he could at least provide some specific examples to support his criticisms of me and the new site that I frequent. Otherwise, his empty complaints only make him look curiously bitter (I say "curiously" because I have no recollection of ever associating with him, thus making it difficult me to understand his resentment).



    There are no complaints and I am certainly not bitter. I simply find nothing earth shattering about any of your contributions and get the sense that you take enormous pride in copying and pasting the words of other people. It is nothing personal, but merely one man's observation. What is particularly amusing are the reactions garnered by those who see you as some sort of guru, if you like, for posting something that they likely just read on ESPN.com or in the NY Times.

  6. Or maybe it's a staggering inability by some to grasp sarcasm.


    Luckily, if Ferret or myself ever need some dime-store psychology from a humorless cunt muscle, we'll be sure to contact 'NYGFan05'...



    Spoken like a true vulgarian


    Those with weak minds often revert to the profane when challenged



    Shouldn't you be out pilfering material for your next 'think piece' rather than engaging in such idle banter with someone as looked-down-upon as myself? Surely it goes against the norm of someone so revered

  7. Most definitely not Elite.

    ...And most definitely not worthy for Elite Status Posters such as ourselves wasting our Elite time on a below average, worthless, jealous, and uncontributive poster such as NYGFan05.



    By all means, count me as being beneath you, as I admittedly do not contribute very much to the forum. That being said, I thank my own personal God that I was not cursed with such a misguided, overblown sense of self as you gents appear to have been. I'm not exactly sure what this 'Elite Status' hogwash is, but it obviously feeds some starving inner demons that you seem to be rather ungracefully dancing with.


    Could also be an undiagnosed case of Megalomania, but I'm not one to make that sort of assumption.

  8. He's very good at expounding his views of the Giants, but it seems that he and his rather insatiable love of himself has caused him to run off to pastures not so green; a place where pseudo-intellectuals can co-exist without fear of reprisal from those who disagree with their opinions, which are basically pilfered from the many major media sources available, but with the wording slightly changed.


    Or perhaps they simply just have wider doorways for the inflated skulls...

  9. Newbie, Fishgutmartyr & I had a full and informative exchange of views. After this exchange, we reached an agreement on this subject. I think that when you have posted as many times as we have, in many forums, you will be entitled to be critical of senior members. If we look up the definition of presumptuous and pompous in the dictionary, will we find your picture? Why don't you, STFU




    Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with Ignorance.

    -William Blake

  10. What is illogical about introducing a democratic method for the election of the supervisors of this mb? In the present situation, the "board police" are the only ones that can appoint new supervisors. This is ABSOLUTE POWER! If you are not aware of it, absolute power corrupts absolutely :)



    I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this forum is not a democracy, where the forum members are responsible for electing the officials to monitor the forum. This is what is know as Private Enterprise, where the person(s) who pay the bills and appoint people to help have the only say that matters.


    It was pointed out to you that if you were to go into a place of business and tell the proprietors how they should operate things, you would be summarily laughed out of the building.


    The idea that you feel you have a right to utilize this forum and attempt to dictate how it is operated is absurd,not to mention extremely pompous and presumptuous on your part. In other words, do not make this into a political debate because it has nothing to do with politics. It is about a person who can't grasp the concept of staying within certain boundaries set forth as clear as day.

  11. Grrr my apologies. I thought it was Telf who said that. Consider that comment direct at Telf.



    Apology accepted



    Not knowing the specifics or the history of anyone who posts here on a regular basis, it just seemed to me to be an open and shut case. Of course, not having prior knowledge of your situation doesn't exactly qualify me to say anything other than the obvious, but no offense was intended.

  12. My point stands, you didn't have a right to ban me and you did.


    With all due respect, I do believe that the ability to post on this forum is much like having a drivers license


    It is a privilege, not a right



    If you break enough laws while driving, the privilege is taken away

  13. Then why dont people ask if Cowgirl fans are from Dallas?


    I guess my hate comes from AZ fans, they are the most clueless, they try to act like they have history like New Yorkers, but they are merely bandwagoners.



    I ask them all the time, and less than 1% of them, at least the ones that I've run into, are from Dallas, or even Texas. It was the "in" team to cheer for in the 90's. Can't put too much stock in anything they might say anyway. Being a complete moron is a prerequisite for being a Cowturd fan and they have unquestionably cornered that market.


    The only thing AZ fans will ever get from me is pity. It's hard to hate them when they have no idea what it's like to have a team above .500

  14. LOL.. I get that shit all the time too. You ever notice, when you tell someone you're a Yankee fan, that IMMEDIATLEY say..."ARE YOU FROM NEW YORK? ARE YOU??"


    You never hear someone ask you if youre from Oakland if youre an A's fan, from Texas if youre a Ranger fan, etc. I think its pure jealousy of people who come from the greatest sports town in the world!!



    I think it's a fair question, considering that a lot of Yankee fans are not from NY. Naturally, this happens when the club wins multiple Championships and people love a winner. Call it human nature

  15. Damn, hot off the press...............In other news, it is cold in the Northeast today.

    Ernie can't be that dumb at try to sign an injury prone, aging linebacker, can he????????




    Peterson is not injury-prone, nor is he old. He did suffer through a knee problem(?) but from all accounts, he's back to 100% and would be a nice addition in NY. Very quick sideline to sideline runner and strong as a bull. The one issue that will likely turn up is that he wants to be overpaid.

  16. With the exception of the couple of fumbles and the fact that he hasn't yet figured out how to lower his shoulders, I like him. I understand why they don't use him often with Tiki playing his best game at the moment, but I'd still like to see him in there for a full series that is NOT starting on the opponents' 3 yard line. For a guy his size, he's fast as hell, and to see him break one for 60-70 yards would be a thing of beauty. If given the chance, I think he'd do it.

  17. From an offensive standpoint, they are relatively set at the skill positions and have all the talent necessary to make a serious run. I've seen so many people expecting instant results from a 2nd year QB and it really blows my mind how short-sighted these folks are. Yes, they gave up the farm for this kid and he hasn't yet lived up to their ridiculously high expectations, but to slag him off as a bust or endlessly rip him for making mistakes just shows how much those people really don't know what the hell they're talking about. It's true that he made some really bad throws and decisions, but give him time to learn the game. There isn't an armchair QB in the world who would even have the balls to suit up and go out and do it themselves(or do it better). If anything on the Offense needs attention, it is the lack of discipline on the O-line. Entirely too many drive killing penalties going on out there for a team with a Coach who claims to be a disciplinarian.


    Defensively, I expect them to stick to this side of the ball in the first 2 rounds. They desperately need size and speed at the CB position, especially since Allen isn't likely to return and Peterson is a huge question mark from an injury standpoint. Deloatch showed some flashes here and there and Webster could turn out to be quite good with more experience, but obviously they can't be counted on as starters for a full season, at least not yet. As much as I like Walker for his ballhawking skills, he is still very raw and needs to learn to stay away from the receiver with the ball in the air. Wilson at the Safety spot is set and I liked what I saw of Butler on the other side. They need to address this in FA, IMO. Build some experienced depth there and give the young guys time to learn.


    LB's are obviously another huge need of this team. Green? See ya! Emmons? Ehh...take a paycut or take off. Not helping this team by standing on the sidelines. I've been reading about Nick Griesen and his apparent desire to be paid as a starter, which could turn out to be disastrous. I like him a lot and think he could step into the role, but the Giants appear to have less cap room than the previous 2 years, which could kill his deal. Blackburn? I LOVE what I saw of him and hope he gets another chance. Torbor is another one I really like and whom I think will get better and better with more time. The LB spot should be addressed in the 2nd round, especially since the draft is heavy at that position this year and should spawn some very good talent through the first few rounds.



    All in all, this team can go far into the playoffs if they do things right by addressing their needs. I don't think they are that far off from serious contention. Sorry for the long winded post! I could go on and on but figured I'd better work my way in slowly as the new guy around here

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