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Eli Manning to media: You're a bunch of punks


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say it like it is my man,,,,, say it like it is....


You have to watch the video on Giants.com... he says it dead pan to a full house. The whole room breaks out laughing and he doesn;t crack a smile. It's calssic.


I'll post the link to the interview.

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This is the real upside to being such an "aw shucks" all around general good guy.


Eli never trashes the media. He is always polite and deferential. When he does bark all the little puppies sit, shut up and listen.


When I saw it it reminded of of my Grandfather. when you f'ed up he would say one sentence which seemed profound and put you in your place. And made you never want to do it again. Never rasied a hand never raised his voice.

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