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I Hate The Sports Media....or why ESPN sucks ass.

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You hear them all the time talk about how they want more wild card teams in the playoffs, THEN when a wild card team gets to the league championship, they bitch that best team didn't win. WTF?!?!?!


ESPN is FULL of these types of guys. Mike Greenburg, Doug Gottleib, etc.


The sports media is just as bad as the political media, they just create hypotheticals and/or gratuitous drama for the sake of having stuff to talk about, then get all huffy when somebody disagrees with them.

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My all time favorite created story... happens in the playoffs every year:


"Oh my God... how do you beat a team THREE TIMES in one season?"


Turns out the winning team of the first two games has something like a 65% percentage to win the third one. :doh:

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