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MVP Talk...


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Is the media treating Albert Pujols as the only candidate for NL MVP? As far as I'm concerned, if you're team doesn't make the playoffs, you shouldn't win the MVP unless you hit 85 homeruns or drove in 190 RBI, or win the triple crown. St. Louis is not going to make the playoffs. They are 10.5 out from the division and they are 5 games out of the wildcard (with 3 teams ahead of them) so it's highly unlikely they are going to make it. I know he's the best hitter in baseball, but they are not a playoff team, and so that should hurt your chances significantly in the MVP race.


I hardly have heard Delgado's name mentioned, but he is one of the top reasons the Mets are on track to win the division. Delgado has single handedly won us quite a few games. We are not a playoff team without Delgado's heroics. Next I would say Sabathia has a case. I would even put Aramis Ramirez ahead of Pujols, because he has been the best hitter on the best team in the NL this year. Why give the MVP to player whose team is in FOURTH place in their division?!

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No doubt a case can be made for Delgado, but ultimately in the end Pujols stats, on a far lesser talented team will sway the voters IMO to vote for the proper candidate.


Delgado will get some serious consideration and it still remains to be seen if the Mets even make the post season, but in the end Pujols stats will be too hard to ignore and he will get it.


Unless this is 1988 when Strawberry was robbed when Gibson won, I do not see Delgado getting it.

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You wanna know why Pujols is the only one mentioned? Because the MVP award doesn't go to the Most Valuable Player. It goes to the player with the best stats. It's called the MVP but in no way means Most Valuable Player. Unfortunately "Best Stats Award" doesn't sound as impressive.

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You wanna know why Pujols is the only one mentioned? Because the MVP award doesn't go to the Most Valuable Player. It goes to the player with the best stats. It's called the MVP but in no way means Most Valuable Player. Unfortunately "Best Stats Award" doesn't sound as impressive.

Then the award belongs to Ryan Howard.



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You wanna know why Pujols is the only one mentioned? Because the MVP award doesn't go to the Most Valuable Player. It goes to the player with the best stats. It's called the MVP but in no way means Most Valuable Player. Unfortunately "Best Stats Award" doesn't sound as impressive.

Hard to be valuable without impressive stats. I hate the school of thought thats says the MVP can come only from a winning team. Josh Hamilton and Ian Kinsler were pretty valuable to the Rangers this year. Pujols is pretty valuable to the Cards, Arod to the Yanks, etc etc etc. Saying the league MVP can only come from 1 of 8 teams is pretty dumb.

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Umm...leading both the NL and MLB in HR and RBI's? :unsure:




what's the "umm" for? please do your pondering before writing your sentence. :P as the other poster said, that average is too low for mvp consideration but he's definitely the mvp of the phils.

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Ryan Howard is not the NL MVP. that average is garbage and although I agree with blu that strikeouts are just outs, 200 is a tremendous amount of unproductive outs. Unless the strike threes are getting by the catcher there is nothing productive about a K.

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Ryan Howard is not the NL MVP. that average is garbage and although I agree with blu that strikeouts are just outs, 200 is a tremendous amount of unproductive outs. Unless the strike threes are getting by the catcher there is nothing productive about a K.

no that's true- but less destructive than a double play. and, if a slugger can work the count and make the pitcher work high stress for 7 or 8 pitches than the K is eventually productive.

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strikeouts don't bother me- they're just outs. with his other numbers, you can't worry about the strikeouts.

OK, I understand that, but strike outs at his rate bother me. Power hitters strike out, but 199/200 is far too many. For an RBI man, he puts a third of those strike outs into play and that could be a huge difference, especially if runners are on base. There is nothing worse in my humble opinion than striking out with runners on with less than 2 outs. Don't know what his numbers are in that situation, but they could be so much better with just hitting the ball to the second baseman with a man on third or hitting a sac fly rather than swinging for the fences every at bat.

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there is nothing worse in my humble opinion than striking out with runners on with less than 2 outs.

double plays are worse. i know you say put the ball in play and shit happens but sluggers hit loud grounders that turn into dp's. if a guy with a good eye strikes out because he didn't get a pitch that he could elevate then you tip your hat to the pitcher-in my opinion.

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Lets also not forget that Howard plays in a band box ballpark that probably gets him 10-12 homers(see Delgado there this year?) and is an absolute abomination at first base. IMO an MVP is also a productive player in the field. I am not trumpeting for Delgado, but he does have like 2 errors since June 15th or something like that.


This is the last I will discuss that glorified DH as the MVP, its clearly Pujols based solely on the fact his numbers are so gaudy and he does not have the protection around him that say Delgado or Howard have.

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