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Giants MSB has gone to hell


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Well after months of putting up with the Giants message board, I have decided to get away from the ignorant spew of words that some of them think are actual discussions. Much like FBomb I cannot put up with anymore of the stupidity and absolute idiotic behavior on the Giants message board.


I used to be a Giants board member way back in the day before it had the whole switch to the new board format, if anyone does recall my name <_< Anyways for those who don't know me, like the name says I do live in Canada and have been a die hard Giants fan since I was five years old back in '93(LT's last year) I'm hoping this site brings back those discussions that the old board used to bring, until all those idiots got loose and went ape s*&^ with the place. So looking forward to reading debates/topics that have some form of intelligent life behind them.


Go Giants :rock::TU:

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I remember you Blue. Welcome to SW, I can guaruntee your stay here will be far more pleasant and filled with far better discussion than anything you find over at GMB. The activity level is of course no where near the GMB level, but that is definetaly a good thing.

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Well after months of putting up with the Giants message board, I have decided to get away from the ignorant spew of words that some of them think are actual discussions. Much like FBomb I cannot put up with anymore of the stupidity and absolute idiotic behavior on the Giants message board.


I used to be a Giants board member way back in the day before it had the whole switch to the new board format, if anyone does recall my name <_< Anyways for those who don't know me, like the name says I do live in Canada and have been a die hard Giants fan since I was five years old back in '93(LT's last year) I'm hoping this site brings back those discussions that the old board used to bring, until all those idiots got loose and went ape s*&^ with the place. So looking forward to reading debates/topics that have some form of intelligent life behind them.


Go Giants :rock::TU:


Never had a problem with having a new member. Welcome to SW.

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You got the province right Lubeck :P but not the city.

well if you know of any more guys who would like to come here, tell them about us. Just don't advertise there. Let us know if any of them are waiting a validation. Thanks again

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Well after months of putting up with the Giants message board, I have decided to get away from the ignorant spew of words that some of them think are actual discussions. Much like FBomb I cannot put up with anymore of the stupidity and absolute idiotic behavior on the Giants message board.


I used to be a Giants board member way back in the day before it had the whole switch to the new board format, if anyone does recall my name <_ anyways for those who don know me like the name says i do live in canada and have been a die hard giants fan since was five years old back last year hoping this site brings discussions that board used to bring until all idiots got loose went ape s with place. so looking forward reading debates some form of intelligent life behind them.>


Go Giants :rock::TU:


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Damn. Oh well close enough.


You are the BlueInCanada I used to talk to all the time over at GMB right?


Yeah I'm him, I quit posting over there when the board changed it's format and all the troll came roaring back. Glad to see most of the better posters are here, was getting sick of Jackstroud :furious::TD:

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welcome aboard . How did you find/hear about us.



oh and I know what APE SHIT is


but what does ape s*&^ mean?................. any one?













dont worry about curbing your words here buddy the em fly this is not the romper room. :clap:

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Yeah I'm him, I quit posting over there when the board changed it's format and all the troll came roaring back. Glad to see most of the better posters are here, was getting sick of Jackstroud :furious::TD:


Welcome BlueinCanada. I vaguely remember you from GMB. Do you remember JimNasium or 27Hampton?


JackStroud is still there? UUGGH!

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Welcome BlueinCanada. I vaguely remember you from GMB. Do you remember JimNasium or 27Hampton?


JackStroud is still there? UUGGH!


Yeah JS is still there and he has company.... :furious: Anyways yeah I remember 27Hampton and I somewhat recall JimNasium. Thank goodness most of you are here, I was starting to think I was never going to have a intelligent football discussion again.

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BB1...whatever happened to Jim and Hampton....Do you know? Are they over here under different names?


C. Wagon

Hampy was lost in a tragic dog biscuit mishap while JimNasium collapsed under the sheer weight of his own sense of self-importance.

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Welcome Blue and please tell your friends about SW. Mostly good solid people here and the few that are ranters well you can always put them on ignore. I have been to the Egirls site once or twice to talk trash but I figured out that all it takes is one bad game and they have your ass.


So now I just post here and since I am one of the oldest Giants fans on the board - I saw Tittle, HUff etc play back in the days when they practiced at Fordham U (my Alma Mater) in the Bronx in the early 60s. That was amazing to walk into the student union building and see all the Giants Players gathered around 6-7 tables for breakfast & lunch.

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