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Mr. P

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Everything posted by Mr. P

  1. umm ill let a mod answer this.
  2. jesus h, this threadwas intended to be about hilarious avatars.
  3. again, you have your own pinned thread for your random thoughts that you insist on posting.
  4. hahahah vg i wish i knew how to use photoshop
  5. you caught me. i must now go break the news to my mixed race daughter. clown.
  6. ok. everyone else, does this make any sense to any of you guys?
  7. Mr. P


    i dont get the sphinx connection personally
  8. Mr. P


    awesome, just too bad most forums wont let you use animated gifs as avatars.
  9. man it'd truly be sad if a good poster takes a break from this forum because of fuckin jack.
  10. i guess the article could be completely made up. its possible i suppose.
  11. wow jack is really sticking with this reese is a racist thing huh. im not even joking when i say now that i think jack is a racist.
  12. i want osi to stay. kiwi is NOT going back to linebacker, neither is JPP. after the 2008 draft reese kept saying over and over again that shockey was our starting tight end. so nothings written in stone.
  13. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/giants/2010/04/25/2010-04-25_new_york_giants_first_round_nfl_draft_pick_jason_pierrepaul_beat_the_odds.html
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAyKJAtDNCw
  15. one of the things i was reading about this Dodge kid is that he is built like a safety and you wouldnt think he was a punter when he walked up. and that he loves looking for the tackle.
  16. its 1pm on sunday and they are talking about baseball
  17. ok after the release of the jpp-atar i dont think i can commit to using the feagletar for the whole season. but ill never retire it forever and its still my favorite ever.
  18. Mr. P


    hahahah brilliant.
  19. if feagles retires im thinking of rocking the feagletar from the day he retires until the end of the football season. possibly even as my facebook picture.
  20. ... feagletar: spagatar: gilbratar: sheritar: fewelltar: nunnatar:
  21. i think we are getting a peak into jacks true feelings about "the blacks"
  22. qb dom randoplph holy cross
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